All of Zhu Jingjing's contacts here were cut off, and she suddenly thought of the man named Lin Xiajin, who said he was looking for her.

It's a pity that she only recovered in Yueshaxing at that time, and those people broke into the door directly and took her away by force.

Zhu Jingjing was very upset.

"Jingjing, why don't we run away? We were kidnapped and trafficked. He lied to us by saying that we have to pay them 100 star coins to leave." Ai Tao couldn't bear it.

They won't let them leave here at all, the 1 million interstellar currency is just to give them an idea, like Jingjing's three-star therapist only has more than 3,000 interstellar currency, she occasionally hears those who are from the moon sand star, three-star The therapist's income is the least tens of thousands of interstellar coins, they are too far behind! The world is inherently unfair, let alone these foreigners.

She was originally a first-level therapist and wanted to hang out here, but she didn't expect to be arranged here.

"This virus is very strong, even our recovery teachers may be infected."

"The toxicity is very strong, and the gene toxin can't be resisted by ordinary people. It needs long-term nutritional therapy, and after the treatment, there will be sequelae." Ai Tao worried.

I don't know why I was infected with this virus. They are all people from other planets, and many people have already sent them here.

It is very expensive to live here every day.

"Escape, how do we escape?" Zhu Jingjing sighed, she also wanted to escape in her heart, she missed her child.

But how did she escape? There are security robots all over the place, and they get locked out as soon as they go out.

Suddenly a voice came from behind Zhu Jingjing, this voice was familiar yet unfamiliar to her.

"Jingjing! It's really you!" Lin Xiajin said excitedly.

Although Lin Xiajin probably recognized Zhu Jingjing's voice when she heard the familiar voice inside, she was still not sure, but after seeing the person in front of her, she was sure immediately.

"You, you are." Zhu Jingjing looked at Lin Xiajin in confusion.

Lin Xiajin thought her hair had changed color, and the color also changed, Zhu Jingjing didn't recognize it for a while?

"I'm Lin Xiajin!" Lin Xiajin said with a frown, how could she see a strange aura in Zhu Jingjing's eyes.

Zhu Jingjing had a headache, and a picture flashed through her mind, as if she had seen the person in front of her in a dream.

"I seem to have seen you in a dream." Then Zhu Jingjing choked out such a sentence.

Lin Xiajin was a little puzzled by this sentence.

"Jingjing, you don't know me anymore?" Lin Xiajin said as if she had come to her senses

"We have contacted each other. Didn't you tell Zai Yueshaxing? Wang Han has come and waited for you outside the hospital." Lin Xiajin said in one breath

Listening to the conversation between the two, Ai Tao seemed to understand.

"Are you Zhu Jingjing's family? We were all trafficked to this planet and lost our memory." Ai Tao said calmly, knowing that the two knew each other, she quickly closed the door. She didn't know what happened to the woman in front of her. It came in, but it definitely didn't come in through formal channels, so it's better to avoid being discovered.

"Have you lost your memory?" Lin Xiajin looked at Zhu Jingjing.

Zhu Jingjing nodded and said, "Yes, but I vaguely remember some."

Although she only remembered some vague fragments, Lin Xiajin frowned slightly and didn't know what to do for a while. After a long time, she said, "Is there any way to restore your memory?"

Zhu Jingjing shook her head, and said bitterly: "I can only promote my abilities, break through myself, repair myself, or find a high-level therapist to help me restore my damaged brain cells."

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