Zhu Zhu recovered a lot of strength, Lin Xiajin was going to the hospital to buy brain tonic fluid first, and then took Zhu Jingjing away.

When Wang Han wanted to get close to little Zhu Zhu, the little guy was a little scared and kept burrowing into Lin Xiajin's arms.

"Let's get used to it slowly in the future, there will be plenty of time in the future." Lin Xiajin looked at the lost Wang Han and comforted him.

"There is no rush for this." Xiao Nuo also said.

"Yeah!" Wang Han nodded, seeing that the child was somewhat agitated, and after he calmed down, he knew that there was no need to rush this matter.

But Lin Xiajin coaxed the child well in a few strokes, which made him, his own father, somewhat uncomfortable.

However, Lin Xiajin is also a girl, and has raised two more children. She has a natural intimacy, and children are easy to like. Thinking of this, Wang Han doesn't feel so uncomfortable.

But the two of them, after all, blood is thicker than water, I believe they will be able to adapt soon.

Lin Xiajin was holding the child, and the three rushed to the hospital immediately. After the intelligent robot asked about the location of the pharmacy, they rushed over directly.

"Do you want to buy brain tonic?" the therapist of the Moon Shaxing said.

"That's right, my child's nutrition can't keep up, so I want to buy a bottle for the child to supplement." Lin Xiajin said calmly.

She heard from Zhu Jingjing's friend that wealthy people would buy this brain tonic for their children.

The therapist didn't say anything. Although this kind of situation is not common, it has been encountered before, but these three blue stars, a planet that just entered the galaxy, are so rich.

"Okay, I've already prescribed it for you, wait here for a while, and the robot will send it to you later." The therapist said.

"Okay." Lin Xiajin nodded, 200,000 interstellar coins were also deducted from her account, and she still has more than 1.6 million interstellar coins left.

Anyway, if she has no money, she can still buy the Heart of Plants.

After a while, the transportation robot came over. When Lin Xiajin paid, it had already been recognized by the face, and the robot was sent directly to Lin Xiajin based on the face recognition.

Inside was a metal box. Lin Xiajin picked it up and opened a glass bottle that was only the size of a fingernail. There was a little golden liquid in it.

This is Brain Invigorating Liquid, which can be injected directly into the body with a needle. Of course, it can also be taken orally, but the effect of taking it orally is not as good as injection.

Lin Xiajin took the brain tonic liquid and put it in the space. The three of them left the hospital and found a shop.

It was impossible for Lin Xiajin to take the child and the two of them in, it was too conspicuous after all.

"The two of you are waiting here with your children. I will bring Zhu Jingjing out as soon as I go in." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.


As soon as Lin Xiajin put the child on Wang Han's body, she began to cry, even Xiao Nuo couldn't do it.

It seemed that he could only put the child to sleep, so he made milk powder for the little one. This guy hadn't drank much since he was so old, Gululu finished it in one bottle.

Children are sleepy after drinking milk, and this little guy is no exception. He fell asleep in Lin Xiajin's arms after a while.

Lin Xiajin took out the car from the space, put the baby in, and then took the toy to Wang Han. If the child woke up in the middle, these two people also have something to comfort the child.

If all goes well, she will be able to take Zhu Jingjing away soon, as long as she finds and teleports her away.

Lin Xiajin teleported directly to the place where she was looking for Zhu Jingjing before, but this room was not occupied by Zhu Jingjing, Lin Xiajin frowned slightly.

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