Although Xiao Nuo had already interfered with the system, Ai Tao and Zhu Jingjing were still a little nervous. After all, they hadn't left Yueshaxing for a day, and they were always worried, but Zhu Jingjing was fine, after all, Wang Han was with her.

The blood relationship is always the closest, and it has only been a day since they met, and Zhuzhu has quickly accepted Wang Han from the beginning of her resistance.

"I didn't remember you at the time, so the child has my surname." Zhu Jingjing said with some embarrassment

"It doesn't matter whose last name you have, as long as you and your child can be found." Wang Han said sincerely, since the day they separated, he has been thinking about finding them all the time.

"Besides, Zhu Zhu is also very nice to listen to. Change it to Wang Zhu's words."

"Pfft..." Lin Xiajin couldn't help laughing when he heard this, the name is really too funny.

Lin Xiajin suppressed her smile and said, "I also think Zhu Zhu sounds good!"

There is such a large space in the aircraft, besides, Lin Xiajin has always heard very well, and the two of them did not deliberately avoid other people when they spoke, so not only Lin Xiajin heard it, but Xiao Nuo and Ai Tao also heard it.

Zhu Jingjing also nodded in agreement, and Lin Xiajin continued: "Now that you have all met, you will have a child in the future. You have to think about the name of the second child."

When Zhu Jingjing heard Lin Xiajin's words, her face flushed slightly, and Wang Han seemed a little shy and didn't say anything.

"When my energy recovers, I will slowly recover your arm." Zhu Jingjing said, although she is now drinking Lilin Xiajin Space Water, her energy has not fully recovered.

"I can help too." Ai Tao said quickly, although she is only at the first level, she can also recover energy.

"Actually, I discovered that our recovery teachers have different recovery factors." Zhu Jingjing said suddenly

"Well, yes." Ai Tao also nodded. Although they all use the ability to recover and heal, everyone's physique is different. For example, Zhu Jingjing's ability is stronger in terms of flesh and blood for healing wounds.

Although Ai Tao only has a first-level recovery ability, her energy is more inclined to detoxification, so she will be caught wherever she is. Her first-level detoxification ability is comparable to a third-level ability.

Everyone has a different direction for the healing of the recovery system, just like the lightning system. Although they are both lightning system abilities, the characteristics of each lightning system are different.

Simply put, the same ability has different characteristics in different people.

Two days passed quickly. They returned the leased aircraft and drove directly towards the spaceship they parked. After boarding the spaceship, Lin Xiajin immediately started to leave Yuesha.

Seeing the spacecraft rising rapidly, getting farther and farther away from the ground of Yuesha Star, and completely flying out of the atmosphere, Zhu Jingjing and Ai Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally left that ghostly place!" Ai Tao said excitedly, she will be able to live for herself in the future, without consuming her own energy, she can finally practice supernatural powers with peace of mind, leave Yueshaxing, and leave that hospital , she was able to practice!

"Are we going back to Chenlan Star now?" Zhu Jingjing asked, she hadn't returned to her hometown for a long time, Zhu Jingjing was also very excited, even though their hometown is full of zombies now.

"No, I'm planning to go to Keda Star, and the distance is not very far. Now that Lanlan Star is waiting to be built, we need to buy a batch of materials." Lin Xiajin explained.

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