The next day, Xin Li was ready to wait for Lin Xiajin.

Lin Xiajin also wanted to try to establish a teleportation point when she went out this time. The distance she can teleport now is almost comparable to the distance of a third-tier county town.

Now that the teleportation point is established, she doesn't need to take an aircraft in the future, and she can teleport to the place she wants to go directly with a thought, and other people can too.

Xin Li thought that Lin Xiajin was going to drive a road walker, but Lin Xiajin took out a two-person plane from the space.

It looks like a round flying saucer. Lin Xiajin bought the materials and Green Star assembled them.

It's fast and mobile, and it might seem like a small space from the outside, but it's very comfortable to sit in.

Two people sat in the flying saucer, and the driver's seat inside was two sets of soft sofas with a small round coffee table in between.

Lin Xiajin took out two bottles of drinks from the space, and some snacks, which I can eat when I am bored.

The continent they are on is Europe, so they go directly to the nearest European city on the continent.

After Lin Xiajin set the location, the flying saucer started.

"My former home was in Europe." Xin Li said silently.

Lin Xiajin knew that Xin Li used to live abroad, and later returned to China for school for unknown reasons, but Lin Xiajin rarely heard Xin Li talk about her family's situation.

Lin Xiajin knew that Xin Li's family was relatively rich.

"Go back and take a look this time." Lin Xiajin said.

Xin Li nodded, with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

The country M in Europe they went to first is Zeng Xinli's home, and his family immigrated here.

The flying saucer was very fast and arrived in Europe in a few minutes.

"The target location has been reached." The flying saucer could only remind by voice.

"It's so fast." Xin Li couldn't help but say, this is faster than the speed of the aircraft.

Lin Xiajin let the flying saucer land on a tall building.

"Let's go." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.


The flying saucer was opened, Lin Xiajin and Xin Li came out, and the flying saucer was put into the space by Lin Xiajin.

The tall buildings are damaged everywhere, and the walls have been damaged. These tall buildings that used to be outside the galaxy have long been covered with green plants.

But since Chenlanxing entered the galaxy, these plants have slowly withered, leaving some withered yellow leaves, and some have even turned into fly ash.

"The plants in the galaxy are not easy to grow." Xin Li said with a frown, and the plants on the island where they lived gradually withered.

It is also very strange that the lifespan has increased, those animals and zombies have increased, but the plants have withered.

But there are also plants that have survived, and all of them are plants with strong vitality.

In country M, it has been almost two years since they left Chenlanxing. I hope some supplies can still be used.

"Let's go." Lin Xiajin said.

Lin Xiajin kicked open the locked door on the top of the building. The corridor was a bit dark, with cobwebs everywhere, and a smell of the undercurrent.

But they have all smelled disgusting smells, and they have long been used to it.

There was a thick layer of dust on the ground, and if two people stepped on it, it would leave a thick mark.

The two of them had just walked a few steps, when suddenly a dilapidated zombie jumped out from the side, the clothes on his body were already rotten.

Only the dry-cooked body and long nails are left. These zombies have evolved and mutated to varying degrees after entering the galaxy.

However, in terms of evolutionary mutation, Lin Xiajin and Xin Li are not the opponents they are today.

Lin Xiajin was too lazy to do it, and shot the headshot with a laser gun in his hand, and the zombie's head was shot in the head.

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