The place they plundered was City B in Country Z. It used to be a first-tier luxury city, the surrounding buildings had been destroyed long ago, and the entire street was full of minced flesh of zombies.

The smell of rotten flesh soared into the sky, and there was also a stench, a rotten smell permeated the place.

Fortunately, Lin Xiajin and the others were all wearing defensive suits, otherwise, even if they were used to it, they might not be able to bear the disgusting smell.

The minced meat of the zombies on the ground, and all kinds of dense insects are afraid to crawl on it. For example, some ants have mutated several times now.

The minced meat of these zombies attracted these ants. When they hit the ground, the surrounding ants surrounded them instead.

Zhang Yuan's fire ability directly burned the surrounding ants to death.

"Whoever offends me, Chen Lanxing, die!" Lin Xiajin said coldly.

The faces of those star thieves changed slightly when they heard Lin Xiajin's words, and everyone didn't talk nonsense, and directly turned up.

These star thieves are indeed pretty good, not comparable to the star thieves they met for the first time, but they are still not Lin Xiajin's opponents.

Several people were beaten and vomited blood in an instant, three people died, two were seriously injured, and the remaining two people saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape.

"Those two people want to run away." Xin Li saw the remaining two people running towards the direction of the spaceship.

But with Lin Xiajin's teleportation, they couldn't escape even if they wanted to. After Lin Xiajin teleported over, he directly put the star thief's spaceship into the space.

The expressions of the remaining two people changed greatly, and they said: "Don't kill us, we were also forced by the star thief." The remaining two people are two women.

"We can give you all the interstellar currency in our account." Another woman begged.

"I just said that those who offend Chen Lanxing will die." Lin Xiajin killed the two without any hesitation.

The two women still had grenades hidden in their hands, probably because they wanted to die with Lin Xiajin, but unfortunately Lin Xiajin killed people much faster.

After solving these star thieves, Lin Xiajin took out the spaceship. They didn't have many spaceships, and now they just gave them one for nothing.

"Let me see how many crystal beads this star thief stole from us." Zhou Yingying said

They also brought a storage robot, which contained more than 50,000 crystal beads that robbed them of Chenlanxing, and there were more than 50,000 zombies in total!

It only took a while for them to snatch so many crystal beads.

These crystal beads are all placed in the base, but there are three colored crystal beads inside. Lin Xiajin wants these three colored crystal beads, so that she can have a few more elves in her space.

The bigger the space, the more of these sprites the better! It would be good if a race can be dispatched from her space in the future, although they can only live in Lin Xiajin's space, they can occasionally be released by Lin Xiajin.

But isn't Lin Xiajin's space now a small world? Although her level increases, this small world will become bigger and better.

Lin Xiajin checked the interstellar coins of this star thief again, and there are more than three million interstellar coins. This star thief is much richer than before.

"Three million interstellar coins, I really hope, thank you for stealing our planet." Xin Li said with a smile

This is not a star thief, is he here to give them money?

But we can't take it lightly, these are small star thieves of a few people, they can deal with it enough, Lin Xiajin also knows that there are hundreds or thousands of star thieves in the galaxy, if it is really those star thieves who came to their planet, I'm afraid They just can't handle it.

But those star thieves probably won't come to snatch their starless planet.

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