A day passed quickly, and as the Big Dipper got closer and closer, Mu Xiaoguai became more and more nervous.

"Don't be nervous, my brother and your sister Xia Jin are here." Lin Xiaran said softly.

"En!" Mu Xiaoguai nodded.

The spacecraft issued an alarm and had reached the Big Dipper and entered the atmosphere.

There is also a fee to enter the Big Dipper, but Mu Xiaoguai doesn't need it, because he has already enrolled in the Big Dipper Academy, so it is free.

The Big Dipper is a planet that places great emphasis on force, and their ability is body mutation.

Some people are hands, some are legs, or some are eyes, all are different.

Of course, it is impossible for all planets to activate abilities. For example, the proportion of abilities activated outside the galaxy is between 30 and 50%.

But the activation rate of supernatural powers in the galaxy is over 50%.

This is also very high.

Although Chen Lanxing is a star without a star, both Lin Xiajin and Lin Xiaran's abilities are not bad.

Both of them are level 6 supernatural beings, and they are above average on other planets. According to Lin Xiajin's body genetic level, there is probably no one here who can compare with Lin Xiajin.

After the spaceship was parked, they took a land vehicle to the Big Dipper Academy.

This academy is located in Ducheng of the Big Dipper.

"The weather on the Big Dipper is full of ice and snow all year round!" Lin Xiajin said.

The whole ground was covered with whiteness, the sky was still covered with business snowflakes, and the streets were full of large sweeping robots.

Lin Xiajin also checked the weather information of the Big Dipper, because the Big Dipper has a special position in the galaxy?

Every planet is extremely special, and it is said that some planets can also produce star cores.

Lin Xiajin also saw something like the star core in a post.

Some planets will produce star cores when they mutate, and a planet can only give birth to one star core at most.

The star core is very difficult to find, and any detection equipment can't find it. It is said that the star core contains strong energy, and it is impossible for ordinary people with supernatural powers to absorb it, unless they explode and die.

Of course, Lin Xiajin just read a post randomly.

Although the weather in Big Dipper is cold, the people here are all dressed very thinly, and some even wear short clothes and short skirts. This Big Dipper's physique is cold-resistant. If Mu Xiaoguai wants to go to school here, he needs to wear defensive clothing.

Lin Xiajin still has quite a few defensive suits.

It took them about 5 hours on the land vehicle to arrive at Beidou Academy. When they got off the car, they felt a chill. Lin Xiajin's body is genetically strong and is not afraid of the cold. protective clothing.

"The gate of Beidou Academy is so beautiful." Mu Xiaoguai couldn't help but said

It is indeed very beautiful. The entire gate is made of ice, crystal clear, and there is a statue of the leader of the Big Dipper engraved next to it.

"Let's go! You're going to go to school here from now on." Lin Xiajin touched Xiaoguai's head, and Mu Xiaoguai will go to school here for the next five years.

They can't get in the gate, the robot scans the gate, and then the message of Mu Xiaoguai appears. This school is very strict, except for Mu Xiaoguai, they can't get in.

"Welcome the new student Mu Xiaoguai from Chenlanxing." A string of text was displayed on the screen of the machine, and then the robot would take Mu Xiaoguai in.

"Go in, we will stay in Big Dipper for a few days, and contact us anytime if there is any situation." Lin Xiajin pointed to the connector on his hand.

Mu Xiaoguai nodded, a little nervous, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo watched Mu Xiaoguai enter the academy.

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