The purple dark bead represents the mid-level dark abyss.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the spaceship came out, it encountered a mid-level dark abyss and suddenly attacked it.

An Yuan's body was so hard that it directly cut through the entire spaceship, several people in the spaceship, and then started a war.

It's a pity that in the end, there was no enemy against the dark abyss. A blue beam of light was swallowed by the blue light.

There were also two people who had special abilities and escaped.

"The body of this dark abyss is really strong." Lin Xiajin said silently.

Her physical fitness is very good, I don't know if she can match this dark abyss.

Can devour planets, can this dark abyss have a strong body? How powerful is the energy contained in a planet.

Especially planets with star cores.

Even if this dark abyss can swallow everything, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo still have the confidence to deal with this dark abyss, their skills are enough to restrain the dark abyss.

"Xiao Nuo, it seems that it is more dangerous for us to sit in the spaceship." Lin Xiajin said after seeing Xiao Nuo's backtracking of the whole incident.

The spaceship couldn't scan Abyss, maybe Abyss has a special physique that can avoid detection.

None of the Guardians of the Galaxy told them this information, or did they not find out?

"I'll take you flying." Lin Xiajin said with a smile.

"There is an aircraft." Xiao Nuo said!

Although Lin Xiajin can fly people, it also consumes energy. It is best to maintain physical fitness at all times if you encounter a dark abyss.

Lin Xiajin understood Xiao Nuo's meaning and did not argue, and both of them took the aircraft.

Two people travel through the universe, and they can also touch the galaxy in the universe.

When Lin Xiajin touched it lightly, the silver-blue Milky Way dissipated.

"I don't know how the universe was formed." Lin Xiajin said looking at the devastated Milky Way.

And they don't know how big or vast the universe is.

"Maybe it's the same as your space?" Xiao Nuo looked at Lin Xiajin and said jokingly.

Lin Xiajin's eyes lit up when she heard Xiao Nuo's words, and she said: "It may be possible to conjecture like this. We live in such a powerful universe, and no one knows how big this universe is. Maybe the universe also has boundaries."

"No matter how big the universe is, if my space keeps developing and growing, I don't know what will happen."

"Isn't your current space just a small world?" Xiao Nuo said with a smile.

Lin Xiajin thinks of her own space. There are elves, houses, and land. Although the population is small, for them, her space is their world.

"Not bad." Lin Xiajin said with a sense of accomplishment, as if he was building his own world, little by little.

In the future, her space will be even stronger.

The two chatted for a few words, and then continued to fly towards the distance, but what they saw next was not a beautiful Milky Way, but all kinds of cosmic garbage floating out everywhere.

"That's too much." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

The further they go inside, the more this trash... .

Although there will be all kinds of garbage floating outside the galaxy, it will not be seen everywhere like it is now.

There were also floating garbage and many items, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo found a lot of useful things.

The two of them didn't come to kill Anyuan, but they seemed to come to the universe to pick up garbage.

Cosmic occupation picking up trash? This career seems to be good, and you can also pick up good things.

Most of what floated over were debris and corpses.

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