What happened in the galaxy, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo didn't know, the two of them teleported into a dark space.

They only felt that they had been here for a day or two, but a month or two had already passed outside.

"The flow of time here is different." Xiao Nuo quickly noticed it.

He has a time ability and is very sensitive to time.

"I also think the space here is very strange, we seem to have entered another space." Lin Xiajin said.

The time and space of the two people's abilities, now the two of them have entered the darkness, and the dark beads in their hands are still heating up.

Lin Xiajin's space covers the surrounding space, which seems to be isolated, but Lin Xiajin can also feel the teleportation array he left outside.

The two did not leave immediately, but continued walking in this mysterious space.

"Dark Pearl feels more and more hot." Lin Xiajin said.

Xiao Nuo already felt a little hot, and in the end it was really hot, and the two couldn't help giving their hands away at the same time.

The dark pearl landed in this space, and it actually merged with this space.

"Fusion..." Lin Xiajin said in surprise.

How can this be? what happened…? Could this space be the origin of the dark beast?

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo thought of this at the same time.

Thinking of this possibility, then this place is very dangerous...

"Let's go out first." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

I always feel that if I stay here, I might meet a dark beast in a while.

"En." Xiao Nuo replied.

Lin Xiajin was going to take Xiao Nuo out, and left here his own space point, so he teleported out with Xiao Nuo.

"It's strange, I obviously left the space here, but it's...somewhat different." After Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo came out, the surrounding space was obviously different.

"It's the relationship between space flow velocity." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

Only when Lin Xiajin came out did she realize that she had received many messages on her star network information.

"It's my brother." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

"We only went in for a while, but two months have passed outside! How could the flow rate be so different at this time?" Lin Xiajin was surprised.

Xiao Nuo also felt it, he is sensitive to time...

"What's going on?" Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

"Maybe that space is a different world?" Xiao Nuo could only guess.

The two of them were a little confused about entering the strange space just now, but they just came out, and now the most important thing is to pick up Lin Xiaran and the others.

"They have already left the galaxy and are coming here through the teleportation point I left behind." Lin Xiajin said.

Lin Xiajin sent a message to Lin Xiaran and the others...

After two months, I finally got in touch...

"Contact Xia Jin." Lin Xiaran also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great." Xin Li also said happily.

"However, the star network is unstable, and I'm afraid we will lose contact at any time." Lin Xiaran said with a frown.

"As long as we follow Xia Jin's teleportation point, we can find her. The teleportation point is very fast, and we may meet in a few days," Xin Li said.

As long as they can meet each other, with Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo around, they can feel at ease.

Now that there is chaos in the galaxy, the star network will be broken sooner or later. It is said that the star network is connected by the holy star organization. Being able to connect such a huge star network must not be underestimated.

But the dark beasts devoured so many planets, and the Holy Star organization didn't send anyone to organize it, which confused everyone!

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