The bloody scenes of Sang Sang made those who were hiding feel numb when they saw it.

"I don't mind if someone comes to my door to feed my family's mourning." Lin Xiajin's voice was extremely cold and penetrating, and those hiding in the dark could hear it clearly.

Those who were hiding couldn't help but tremble a little. They didn't see clearly how Lin Xiajin acted, and these few were already dead.

If you die, just die. There is also a man covered in bandages who eats human flesh alive, which makes them tremble all over.

I'm afraid everyone won't trouble Lin Xiajin and the others when they go back.

Lin Xiajin is an extremely powerful assassin and warrior. The evolution of space allows her to teleport faster.

Spatial coverage gives her a clear understanding of her surroundings.

But now that life is turbulent, they don't practice much.

"Sangsang, come and eat as much as you want! It just so happens that our family is short of food." Lin Xiajin said coldly.

"It's also a shock. Why does Lin Xiajin look so threatening?" Zhang Yuan asked confused.

In the past few days, when Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were away, many people came to trouble them. They solved them all, but there were still people coming.

"Perhaps you are not intimidated enough?" Wang Han said.

They may not be as cold-blooded as Lin Xiajin.

"I think it might be because of Sang Sang." Zhang Yuan saw Sang Sang chewing his bloody flesh. Nothing is more shocking than this, right?

In the past, they had driven people away, seriously injured them, and sometimes killed people, but they had never done this before, like Lin Xiajin, who would let the mourners eat the bodies after killing them.

Lin Xiajin's murderous and heartbreaking move is really terrifying, but the shock is still very effective.

At least it made them a lot cleaner. Even though supplies were in short supply, these people didn't dare to cause trouble for them for a while.

In the evening, everyone gathered together.

"Xiao Nuo and I have been wandering around for a few days, but we haven't found any other planets." Lin Xiajin sighed.

"The universe is so big. If there is one planet left, there will be a second and a third. I don't believe that the dark beast can really swallow up all the planets." Zhou Yingying said with a frown.

"Yingying is right, the universe is so big, there may be other planets." Zhang Yuan said.

Stay here or find another home? Everyone was hesitant.

But they are unwilling to accept the thought of living here for the rest of their lives.

"If we can't do it, leave here." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

"I think so too," Zhang Yuan said.

Living here is too frustrating, I might as well go wandering.

"Let's just treat it as an adventure." Xin Li said.

Space wandering is also an adventure experience.

"But there are some differences between living on a spaceship and living on the ground." Wang Han said.

He has no opinion on whether to wander or stay here, but living on a boat is still somewhat depressing.

"So we changed to a larger spaceship." Lin Xiajin said mysteriously.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo's outing these past few days has not been fruitless. At least they have harvested a giant ship, but it is slightly damaged. Lin Xiajin has already received the space, and Green Star and the others are repairing it.

"Huh? Xia Jin, what did you find?" Xin Li saw the mystery hidden in Lin Xiajin's eyes.

"A week, you will know in a week." Lin Xiajin said with a smile, without telling them directly.

No one said anything, but they vaguely guessed that Lin Xiajin must have found something good.

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