The common currency here is diamonds, so everyone just walked around the town, but it still attracted a lot of people's attention.

In the evening, they found a place to stay and rented a house here.

"This is also the first time I have seen diamonds used as common currency." Xin Li sighed.

Lin Xiajin sighed. They had to pull a lot of diamonds from the necklace to rent this courtyard.

Living here is like living in a small farmyard. Wang Han, Lin Xiaran, and Zhang Yuan have renovated this place, and they plan to live here during this time.

Lucky Star, Xiao Chen and Mu Xiaoguai had never been to such a planet before, and they were very curious about the environment here, so they wanted to go out and play.

Lin Xiajin thought that although these three were all children, their ability to protect themselves on this low-level planet was sufficient, plus they had lucky stars.

However, both Lin Xiajin and Zhu Jingjing were somewhat uneasy as they were mothers. Mu Xiaoguai also wanted to follow, so Lin Xiajin naturally felt more at ease.

Several children had gone out, leaving only Zhou Yingying, a baby of two months old.

"When you two little guys grow up, you can go out and play with your brothers and sisters." Zhou Yingying touched the heads of the two little babies and said.

Neither Zhou Yingying nor Zhang Yuan are fat, but the twins were both fair and fat after giving birth.

The two little babies seemed to understand what Zhou Yingying said, and they smiled so cutely.

Zhu Jingjing is still very envious of things. Lin Xiajin and Zhou Yingying have a son and a daughter.

"How about we have a son?" Wang Han seemed to see the look in Zhu Jingjing's eyes.

"What! I just thought of how Zhuzhu looked when she was a child. She would be so cute, and she has grown up now without realizing it." Zhu Jingjing sighed, time flies by so fast.

Wang Han hugged Zhu Jingjing and smiled...

Lin Xiajin also sent a robot to check this planet to see what characteristics it has.

And there are several planets around here. Although the environment is not easy to survive, let's see if there is anything useful in the planets.

"Brother, I plan to go to the surrounding planets with Xiao Nuo, and I will leave the children to you." Lin Xiajin said.

"Okay." Lin Xiaran nodded. He has become accustomed to this over the years.

Ai Tao planned to go out to check her life experience, but Zhu Jingjing was embarrassed to call out because Wang Han was with her, so she called Xin Li, who happened to also want to go out for a walk.

So Xin Li and Aitao went out.

Lin Xiajin established a teleportation point here to teleport directly to the outside of the planet without driving a spaceship.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were teleported outside the planet, and they were the first to choose the planet where large monsters could survive.

The entire planet has rocks and gravel, and most of it is endless desert. There are various large monsters on these deserts.

The most common monsters we see are scorpion-like monsters. These monsters have extremely strong survivability. No wonder they can survive in the harsh environment here.

Xiao Nuo casually hunted one, and Lin Xiajin used a robot to scan it.

"This scorpion is full of poison." Lin Xiajin said after scanning the results.

However, although these scorpions are poisonous, they have no effect on Lin Xiajin.

They stayed on these planets for about seven days and discovered a strange stone that contained high energy.

Lin Xiajin put robots here for mining, and then they went to the destroyed half of the planet.

At first, Lin Xiajin was not interested in destroying half of the planet, but Xiao Nuo wanted to go and have a look, so she went along.

Half of the destroyed planet was scorched earth, but a large piece of it was sunken in the middle.

"The half of the destroyed planet I saw before was also dented in the middle." Xiao Nuo said.

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