The star beast was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Compared to being trapped in your space world, it is preferable to return to nothingness. After all, your universe world is the prototype of a new birth."

In this extremely vast universe, rebirth is hopeless, and reincarnation is even more futile. There is no so-called rebirth, and there is no reincarnation. A person's vitality is only once, and after death, it will be transformed into the energy of this world.

Including the star beast, it doesn't want to die, it still wants to advance, and the star beast's advancement requires a more powerful universe.

Although Lin Xiajin's cosmic world is only a prototype, the star beast has no other choice at this moment. It needs to live in another world if it wants to survive.

It is born in this cosmic world. It cannot escape from this world. Once it is separated from this world, it will dissipate and its own energy will return to the original universe.

Once a person dissipates, he dissipates completely. Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin feels a little heavy.

There is no such thing as resurrection from the dead. After death, ashes return to ashes, and earth returns to earth. The star beast has lived for so many years, and it has lived for who knows how many epochs, but it still doesn't want to die.

Not to mention a person like Lin Xiajin who has only lived for more than 20 years. Doesn’t it mean that the longer he lives, the less interesting he becomes?

The longer you live, the more you fear death. Some people want to die, but those who are not afraid of death always think that there will be a next life and rebirth.

But the star beast knows too well that it will disappear completely when it dies. If it feels bored, it will sleep, and it will also transform into a star network to experience all kinds of life.

Seeing that Lin Xiajin was still a little hesitant, the star beast said, "Now take off the dark bead of the dark beast. You can absorb its energy, and your space will expand, so that I can enter your space."

"Okay." Lin Xiajin didn't say anything more when she saw that the star beast was so persistent in entering her space.

It was incredible to think that such a huge planet-like star beast was placed in her space.

The Dark Beast was trapped by the Star Beast and has not yet completely perished. Now, listen to the Star Beast and take out the Dark Beast's Dark Pearl.

It would be difficult for a star beast with such a planet-sized body to find the Dark Pearl. I hope Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo can cooperate to complete it.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo suddenly woke up. Everything that just happened was real.

Looking at the huge dark beast corpse in front of them, if they want to get the dark beast's crystal beads, they have to enter the dark beast's body.

"I will help you transform, but it can only last for 10 days at most. You have to find the dark bead within 10 days. The dark bead is on the real dark beast." The last voice of the star beast fell to Lin Xiajin and Xiao On Nuo's body.

"Transformation?" Lin Xiajin was a little confused? Do you need to transmogrify to enter the body of a dark beast?

With a force, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were pushed into the body of the dark beast.

The corpse of the dark beast is huge, larger than a planet, and like the corpse of the star beast, it contains a huge space.

"Xiao Nuo, how come you turned into a dark beast?" Lin Xiajin couldn't help but said as she watched Xiao Nuo turn into a dark beast.

She originally wanted to raise her hand, but found that her hand had also turned into a black hoof.

"Um...we have all turned into dark beasts." Lin Xiajin saw his own appearance from Xiao Nuo's eyes.

Only then did I think of Star Beast's words to transform the two of them.

"Yes." Xiao Nuo also looked a little unaccustomed to finding his feet on the ground. The two of them stood there for a while, both looking at each other stupidly.

"Yes, you have to find the real dark beast here to find the dark pearl." Lin Xiajin said, thinking of the hint given to them by the star beast.

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