Zhang Yuan opened a box and found that there were cans of beer inside. No wonder there was a strange smell in the whole truck...

"I don't know if this beer is still drinkable?" Zhang Yuan was a little bit hungry.

Some beer cans were flattened, and the beer flowed out….

They only drained a few cases of beer, and moved the rest out.

"What to drink, I don't know if they can find the pharmacy and come back!" Xin Li said with a frown.

In the suburbs, there are many zombies even in the suburbs, and they still have to go to the pharmacy or outpatient clinic.

"I believe Brother Xiao will be able to bring the things back." Wang Han said in a deep voice.

"Xiao Nuo is good at skills, but what about Lin Xiajin?" Xin Li was a little worried, she only has good relationship with Lin Xiajin now.

"No, Lin Xiajin is strong, one is worth 10, besides, there is Brother Xiao, both of them will be fine, we will wait here with peace of mind." Zhang Yuan said swearingly.

Zhu Jingjing was in a coma at the moment, and her face was pale. If there was still slight ups and downs, she might have thought she was a dead person.

"I never thought that Zhu Jingjing would have a recovery ability! Otherwise, she would have to eat more and replenish more blood." Xin Li said with a frown.

This is the big nanny of the team! Soraka! Why!

"In the future, we have to let Zhu Jingjing eat more blood-enriching food." Zhang Yuan also agreed very much.

What if one day I get hurt?

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were already on their way back to the suburbs...

The frame of the car has been bent by the stone, but fortunately the car can still drive...

The glass of the side window was broken, and a gust of wind came in from the outside...

Lin Xiajin had no choice but to tighten the zipper. There were still rocks falling from time to time on the road, but luckily they were all small stones, which did not affect her.

"There should be pharmacies and outpatient clinics in the suburbs closest to us." Lin Xiajin said.

Now there are the most pharmacies all over the street, and there will be one or two on almost every street.

"Yeah." Xiao Nuo replied, but his eyes were focused on driving...

They tried their best to come back within a day, Zhu Jingjing was severely anemic at the moment, if the anemia was severe and she fell into a coma, she might not be able to wake up again.

Now there is no medical equipment, it is very difficult to do...

Finally they crossed the mountain road to the outermost village...but this village is too small, there is no such thing as outpatient pharmacy.

After driving for a full three hours, Xiao Nuo didn't take a break. Fortunately, Lin Xiajin still had the gasoline stored in the space before, otherwise they would have stopped on the road...

After leaving the highway, we arrived at the outer ring suburbs, this is the western suburbs....

However, there is no map now, and finding a pharmacy is completely luck, no matter which road you choose, you will encounter zombies.

"Generally there will be a pharmacy near the community." Lin Xiajin said.

"Over there, HSBC Jiayuan!" Lin Xiajin pointed to the words of a building.

The community is surrounded by bottom shops, and there are usually merchants. Although this is the outer ring of City B, there are many merchants.

Just got on the main road and there are overturned cars everywhere...

"No, I can't drive through!" Xiao Nuo said.

There are high platforms and steps in the middle, and there are parking lots all around, so it is impossible to drive the car directly.

There is also a huge wide road and a flyover.

If you stop under the high platform and come out, you will be surrounded by zombies in an instant.

"You stay here." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

In fact, Lin Xiajin also hesitated. If they want to go there, they can only park the car here and walk over...

Crossing a huge wide road, and the zombies on the bridge that day, just looking at it like this can be described as densely packed.

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