Lin Xiajin took the military sting and started rushing into the shop...

Lin Xiajin's family kicked open the door, and the pharmacy was empty...

The entire pharmacy has two floors. On the first floor, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo are looking for...

They are all antipyretics, cold medicines, and medicines for children's illnesses.

Lin Xiajin has been received in the space, and the space has shrunk a bit....

Lin Xiajin had no choice but to throw out all the shelves that had at least enough space to free up some space.

The two ran to the second floor again, and Lin Xiajin saw what was written on the sign.

Health Care!

Sure enough, there were all kinds of women's blood-enriching health products, and Lin Xiajin didn't look at the categories, so he put them all in the space.

After collecting the things, I hurried downstairs again...

There was still a flame burning outside the door shop, and there was a black gurgling coming out...


The strong smoke made Lin Xiajin cough twice.

"Let's go." Xiao Nuo pulled Lin Xiajin and prepared to jump to the next high platform.

"Wait, you can't come in vain, go to a few shops nearby!" Lin Xiajin said.

Xiao Nuo frowned, but seeing that the underground zombies were still blocked by the flames, they would not be able to rush up for a while.

"Quick!" Xiao Nuo said.


The two of them didn't have ink marks, Lin Xiajin went straight to Mommy Baby Maternal and Baby Store and rushed over...

When Lin Xiajin kicked the door open, a zombie rushed out, and Lin Xiajin chopped off his head.

Xiao Nuo went to pick out the crystal beads, while Lin Xiajin went into the shop and packed most of the usable ones....

But Lin Xiajin's position is already full...

Small land and small puddles are not allowed to put things,...

One-third of Xiao Nuo's position was temporarily taken up by Lin Xiajin...

Seeing the sudden addition of things, the little dog panicked somewhat, hiding in the box and shivering.

After receiving almost everything, Lin Xiajin followed Xiao Nuo and left the shop directly. At this time, the zombies on the stage also rushed up.

Some zombies were still burning with flames, and they roared towards Lin Xiajin...

The two ran while chopping up zombies on the side of the main road, but there were more and more zombies...

The two hurriedly climbed onto a bus, and the zombies on the ground were still screaming.

Lin Xiajin was gasping for breath... the two of them were stained with dirty blood on their faces...

Especially Lin Xiajin's sweat also flowed down...

Two people stood on the bus with a knife, surrounded by screaming zombies...

"If you really want to be bitten to death by zombies, Xiao Nuo, you kill me first." Lin Xiajin said.

She was bitten by a zombie before, she didn't turn into a zombie, but she was bitten to death by a zombie!

Being sober and being bitten to death by zombies one by one, this is even more terrifying.

"No! Have you had enough rest?" Xiao Nuo's calm voice filled Lin Xiajin's ears.

Listening to Xiao Nuo's words, they haven't reached a dead end yet, but she won't give up until the last moment....

"How many barrels of gasoline are left in the space?" Xiao Nuo asked.

"A bucket." Lin Xiajin said.

When Lin Xiajin heard Xiao Nuo's words, she immediately understood the meaning...

The two looked at each other, and Lin Xiajin took out the gasoline can directly from the space, opened the lid, and threw it directly downward...

A group of zombies were attracted to them, but a small number of zombies were still obsessed with them.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo jumped off the bus without the slightest hesitation, but the zombies around them remained motionless.

This is Xiao Nuo's special ability, controlling time!

Lin Xiajin pushed away a group of zombies and ran out quickly...

The moment the time pause expired, and the surrounding zombies rushed towards them again, a purple electric wave was released from Xiao Nuo's hand...

The purple electric wave instantly spread around, electrifying the surrounding zombies.

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