Several women in the room sneered...

Luo Mei was taken away directly, and everyone knew where he was taken.

"There is one more bed left!" The female said indifferently.

In order to maintain sufficient order, it needs to be based on blood, even the tolerance of supernatural beings is limited.

"You just came in, don't be afraid, as long as you don't cause trouble, you are still very safe in the safe zone!" said a girl next to her.

"..." Why did Xin Li feel unsafe at all?

"My name is Qiu Ning. I've been here since the end of the world. Are there still scary zombies everywhere?" the girl asked.

When the others heard this, they all looked at Xin Li in unison...

They also want to know the situation of the outside world. Most of them came in at the beginning of the zombie outbreak.

"In fact, if you don't go to the city, you won't meet so many zombies, but it's true that you eat and sleep in the open every day." Xin Li sighed.

"Really?" one of the women said with bright eyes.

Xin Li nodded, she was telling the truth...

"Are you also a supernatural being? Only supernatural beings can live here. For those who are not supernatural beings, there are more than 20 people living in one room!" Qiu Ning said.

"More than 20 people?" Xin Li looked at this airtight small room, more than 10 of them crowded in this room, leaving only one aisle in the middle, Xin Li couldn't imagine what it would be like if more than 20 people crowded in this room.

"That's right! We are still supernatural beings, somewhat better than them." Qiu Ning said.

"Okay..." Xin Li is now glad that he is a supernatural user.

"What kind of supernatural being are you?" Qiu Ning asked.

"Water system!" Xin Li replied.

"That's not bad. You and Xiaohua are both in the water system, and they will probably be assigned to the same place." Qiu Ning pointed to Xiaohua next to him.

Xiao Hua also nodded at her, women have been here for a long time, seeing that Xin Li is new here, they want to ask about the situation outside.

Xin Li also chatted with several women that night, and basically understood the style of work here.

Ability users also need labor to expand the base, but compared with ordinary people, the workload of ability users is greater...

Through their understanding, Xin Li knew that he could slowly increase his ability by consuming energy every day, but it had to be consumed to the point of overdraft.

This overdraft ability is very painful and exhausting, but it can slowly increase energy, so they went to bed early in the morning after work.

It is faster and more comfortable to absorb crystal beads to increase energy....

These people know the existence of crystal beads, but only certain staff members can get them.

Luo Mei came back two hours later, but when she came back, she didn't say a word, just squatted silently in the corner, there was no floor, only a moldy and damp quilt was left, Luo Mei just frowned slightly, Did not dare to call out.

Xin Lite wanted to ask what happened to Lome, but Qiu Ning grabbed his arm.

Qiu Ning leaned into Xin Li's ear and said in a low voice, "Every disobedient woman will be taken out for corporal punishment. It is said that corporal punishment is actually..."

Xin Li was shocked when he heard the corporal punishment! Is this a safe zone?

Xin Li's face turned pale with fright, and she felt that it was even scarier to be in the safe zone... !

"Isn't this safe zone under the jurisdiction of Hua Guo? Why didn't anyone sue!" Xin Li said angrily.

This is strong x! What a dog day.

"What are you going to sue? This is a secret matter. There are more men than women in the safe zone! I only told you because I'm on good terms with you. You should be careful in the future and don't offend anyone."

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