Lin Xiajin was telling the truth, but to Zhang Xiaomei it sounded very arrogant...

Zhang Xiaomei turned blue when she stole food from others and said she didn't need it....

Lin Xiajin ignored Zhang Xiaomei, but turned to the women who just slandered her and said, "I dare not admit what I did? It's ridiculous."

"I, we don't." Yu Xiaolan's face was a little pale but she still said stiffly.

"Hehe..." Lin Xiajin looked at them with a sneer, as if he was looking at a clown.

Human nature is the most difficult thing to figure out. Usually talking and laughing with you, it seems like a real sister, but when you turn around, there are many people who frame you behind your back...

I don't know how many times Lin Xiajin has met her, but all the injuries were blatantly directed at her....

"Lin Xiajin, what else do you have to say, don't even think about getting your supplies these days!" Zhang Xiaomei said with a sneer.

If you have a little power in your hand, it will be infinitely magnified...

"I took what I took, and I won't admit it if I didn't take it!" Lin Xiajin said, walking towards Yu Xiaolan, Wang Yu, and Zhang Li.

Maybe it's their guilty conscience, or maybe it's because Lin Xiajin's aura is too amazing...

"You, what do you want to do, we are all pregnant women!" Yu Xiaolan said in horror.

Lin Xiajin didn't care if she was pregnant or not, and directly pulled Yu Xiaolan up from the bed...

"Ah...!" Yu Xiaolan exclaimed.

Lin Xiajin searched the bed directly, stole the food, the garbage can't be thrown out so quickly, right...?

Lin Xiajin kept Yu Xiaolan's pillow, quilt, and quilt open, and sure enough, under the quilt, she found a leftover half-pack of instant noodles...

The inside had been crushed to pieces, and Lin Xiajin went to Wang Yu's bed immediately, Wang Yu wanted to stop it...

But what is Lin Xiajin's ability? Strengthening ability, even if all the women here add up, she can easily blow everyone away...

There was an empty plastic bag under Wang Yu's pillow, and Lin Xiajin threw it directly on Zhang Xiaomei's face...

Finally, Lin Xiajin walked straight towards Zhang Li...

"You, what do you want to do? Go and call the patrol!" Zhang Li yelled in horror, lying on the bed with both hands tightly...

Lin Xiajin wouldn't give her a chance, she just stepped forward with one hand like a chicken, and picked it up for Zhang Li...

"No, no, Lin Xiajin! I didn't take it, I didn't steal it." Zhang Xiao kept talking...

What a master who does not shed tears without seeing the coffin, Lin Xiajin sighed.

Lin Xiajin threw Zhang Li to the ground...

"Ah!!" Zhang Li screamed, Lin Xiajin didn't care, and threw Zhang Li's bed on the ground...

Two packs of instant noodles and ham sausage snack bags fell out of it...

It seems that Zhang Li didn't steal Zhang Xiaomei's things once or twice, no wonder the reaction was so violent this time....

"Zhang Li, I think you stole the most!" Lin Xiajin sneered.

"I, I, Xiaomei, Xiaomei, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm really hungry."

Seeing the evidence on her face, Zhang Li had no choice but to admit it. As she spoke, Zhang Li began to cry, and the tears fell down as big as if she didn't want money...

"You, you!" Zhang Xiaomei trembled angrily.

"Zhang Li, our appetite has halved recently and we were too hungry, so we couldn't resist taking it. Xiaomei, we just took you once." Yu Xiaolan said hastily.

"Lin Xiajin, I'm sorry, you are a supernatural being, Zhang Xiaomei can't deal with you." Yu Xiaolan said hastily.

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