After waiting for nearly an hour, Wang Han really came to find him. Seeing such a huge giant tank, Wang Han was very excited...

"This is a giant tank in the transport catalog, that's why it's so big." Wang Han explained.

The iron sheet is thick and the space is large. Wang Han took a flashlight and fiddled with the console...

"Can this still be opened?" Lin Xiajin asked.

"It's hard to say. I still need to study it. After all, this is a veteran-level tank." Wang Han said.

I'm afraid this can't be done in a day or two. The most important thing is that it's not very convenient...

After a while, when Zhang Yuan came over, he lit fireballs everywhere, and sure enough, the whole place became much brighter...

"Wang Han, you also have time to drill eyes!" Zhang Yuan couldn't help but said.

"I said there is a big tomb below. Isn't this a big tomb? It's just that I didn't expect it to be pried away." Wang Han said in a deep voice.

Xiao Nuo, Wang Han and Zhang Yuan are working on this giant tank, and they have a clear division of labor...

Zhang Yuan repaired the dashboard, Wang Han and Xiao Nuo were at the bottom of the giant tank, Lin Xiajin didn't know what to repair...

Lin Xiajin took the flashlight and walked around the place with the little wolf cub in his arms, and finally found a lot of tools, probably left behind by that...

There are also two boxes of bullets, gasoline, and the wooden table has been stored for too long. When Lin Xiajin touched it lightly, the entire wooden table fell apart...

Looks like that would have emptied the tomb and set up a makeshift base of operations here...  

Lin Xiajin walked towards a place that was getting colder and colder. This direction is probably the direction that can lead to the outside...

Lin Xiajin clutched her clothes, shivering a little coldly, and she saw a gap, from which she could only see the vast expanse of whiteness outside...

It's too cold, it's too cold, even if Lin Xiajin stood a little closer to the entrance of the cave, it would be too cold, Lin Xiajin quickly retreated...

It seems that this hole has not been sealed....

In the next few days, it was basically transferred from that small tomb to this giant tank...

Now the safe area is in chaos, all kinds of looting of supplies... almost every day there are many people gathered outside the big warehouse.

Xiao Nuo knew that Lin Xiajin could bring out something to eat every time, but Zhang Yuan and Wang Han were not at all curious about the source of food.

Eat it if you give it, don’t eat it if you don’t give it, and even show a grateful expression to Lin Xiajin...

Lin Xiajin wondered if Xiao Nuo had told him that he had spatial abilities...

Xiao Nuo said he didn't. Anyway, it seems that everyone didn't ask, and everyone was in a harmonious atmosphere where you don't tell, I don't ask....

Lin Xiajin's space and things are enough for her to feed herself for two or three months. Adding the three of them, it may not be enough.

But I can eat enough for this period of time if I live frugally...

"I saw Zhu Jingjing on the surveillance, and she touched her head." Lin Xiajin still remembered the secret signal Zhang Yuan gave her.

"It seems that Zhu Jingjing has something to do, I have to go and have a look." Wang Han said.

"Let me go. The temperature will warm up in a few days. It's important for you to fix this tank. I'll go and have a look!" Lin Xiajin said.

Wang Han still trusted Lin Xiajin very much, and said, "Okay."

Lin Xiajin hasn't been out much in the past few days, don't mention how comfortable it is to stay below, don't worry about being caught eating and drinking secretly, she also cleaned up the inside of the tank, there is no problem sleeping a few people if there is a lot of space .

After all, this tank is a transport tank.

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