When Wang Han came out with Zhu Jingjing in his arms, he bumped into Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiajin who were looking for them...

"They discovered that Zhu Jingjing has healing abilities." Wang Han frowned.

Several people have seen some abnormal research with their own eyes, especially the ability of the healing department is bloodletting almost every day.

"Let's go first, this is not a place to talk." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

After a few nods, Wang Han hugged Zhu Jingjing and left first, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo broke the rear.

Fortunately, the alarm was loudly ringing around at this moment, and there was some chaos in the passage, but there were still patrolling soldiers...

The lights in the channel were dim, and the power went out in an instant, leaving only the red alarm light.

As soon as I walked through two passages, someone chased me out from behind...

"Stop them! Stop them!" the people behind started shouting.

The patrol guards at the entrance of the passage heard the sound and surrounded them.


"Stop running, shoot if you are running!"

The people in the front and back gathered around, the lights were dim, and there were only 7.8 patrol soldiers....

They are not only patrol soldiers but also supernatural beings, and they are all supernatural beings who have absorbed crystal beads...

"The district chief said, keep the ones alive!" said a man.

"Let's go!" The lasers on the guns in the hands of several people kept shaking on them.

"Lin Xiajin, hold Zhu Jingjing." Wang Han said.

"Okay." Lin Xiajin nodded and took Zhu Jingjing over.

Zhu Jingjing was already thin, but Lin Xiajin was so strong that she didn't feel much when hugging her.

"Let's go with you? What are you thinking?" Wang Han finished speaking...

Wang Han and Xiao Nuo condensed supernatural powers at the same time...?

A strong wind condensed from Wang Han's hand and blew directly forward...

The strong wind blew everyone's eyes shut, followed by Xiao Nuo's thunder and lightning, the absorbed power was released at this moment?


Several people's bodies shook back and forth, as if they were dancing after being shocked.

"Let's go!" This time it was Lin Xiajin who walked in front and rushed directly over the railing of the central passage...

After 20 minutes, those who were electrocuted slowly came to their senses. Lin Xiajin and the others had already run away.

"How powerful are their powers, especially the lightning power, I'm so numb now...?"

"I felt my heart stopped for a few seconds. If I was charged more, I'm afraid my life would be gone."

A fire-type superpower condenses a fireball, and in the dark light, several people can see each other's appearance...

All the hairs that had been electrocuted stood on end, and there was a smell of burnt black.

The clothes on several people were burned and tattered...

Lin Xiajin hugged Zhu Jingjing and ran all the way to the place where they were in the upper fan aisle.

Seeing Xin Li surrounded by a group of people, Lin Xiajin handed Zhu Jingjing to Wang Han and squeezed past.

"Xin Li, let's go!" Lin Xiajin said.

"No, please give us a glass of water!"

"Yeah, I haven't drank water for two days!"

"Please, you are a kind person!"

When Xin Li was waiting for the exhaust fan, she was questioned by patrol soldiers, so she had no choice but to say that she was a water-type power user, and replenished water for each patrol soldier.

This situation was seen, so she was blocked here.

There were a few people pulling and pulling. There were few people at first, and she didn't want to make too much noise, so she added water to the one she saw, and she brought people over after a while...

As a result, more and more people.... What Xin Li didn't know was that the safe zone had already allocated all the supernatural powers to one place and isolated them from these ordinary people.

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