Skinny Monkey is tinkering with tanks here...?

The two people who died on the first floor didn't even make a sound. They were both wiped with a knife on their necks, and then they were caught and gently placed on the ground...

The two men on the second floor also crept up to the second floor.

The second floor is not as dark as the first floor, because there is a large floor-to-ceiling window in the passageway, and the moonlight just shines in...

There are three bedrooms upstairs, I don't know if it's lucky or not, the first one walked directly towards their bedroom...


The door was gently pushed open, and Xin Li, who was hiding under the bed, could see clearly that although she had killed zombies, she had never killed humans...

Lin Xiajin and Xin Li had already made two dummies on the bed. In fact, they just put extra quilts inside, making it look like someone was sleeping...

Two men rushed in and said to the empty bed, "Don't move, or we'll shoot!"

Lin Xiajin could see clearly from behind the door, why did she think these two looked like idiots?

Before Lin Xiajin came out and crushed the two of them to death, the little wolf cub ran out from behind the curtain, revealing scarlet red eyes...

To be honest, when Lin Xiajin saw this eyeball for the first time, she was also taken aback, and she only saved it at Xiao Nuo's request.

"What is this!" As they spoke, the two men shot at the little wolf cub at the same time.

But the little wolf cub was flexible and jumped down directly...

Lin Xiajin stabbed a man's body with a knife in his hand...

Lin Xiajin didn't have time to draw the knife, and the other man reacted quickly in panic and was about to shoot at her...

"Ao Hu~" The little wolf cub's jumping ability was amazing, and he grabbed one of the man's eyes with his paw.


Lin Xiajin took advantage of the man's exclamation in pain, immediately drew out the knife, and slashed at the man's neck...

When Xiao Nuo came in, the blinded head just rolled on the side of the bed...

"Damn it!" Xin Li crawled out from under the bed in fright...

"Damn it, the head rolled to my eyes..." Xin Li said.

"Cut zombies every day, aren't they all heads?" Lin Xiajin said calmly.

"That's somewhat different, isn't it?" Xin Li patted his still-shocked heart.

Seeing that Lin Xiajin was fine, Xiao Nuo said solemnly, "Don't get pregnant."

"Cough...I'm fine. I'm fine now, with endless strength."

Lin Xiajin was telling the truth. Ever since she fainted suddenly, she seems to have upgraded? My strength has doubled, and my eyes and hearing have improved a lot.

Xin Li opened the cabinet and came out tremblingly, "Xia Jin, no, Sister Jin? Sister Lin? Sister Xia..."

"...What is this mess?" Lin Xiajin said speechlessly.

Didn't she just chop two people in front of them? When she was in the safe zone, she kicked people's heads with bare hands...

It is estimated that the scene will be more exciting to watch...

"Xia Jin, I will be like you in the future!" Zhu Jingjing said with a pale face, then she lowered her head and accidentally saw the dead man's face staring at her...

"Ouch~" Zhu Jingjing couldn't help retching.

The zombie finally got used to it a little bit, is it really okay to let her see such a fresh corpse now? ?

Lin Xiajin went over to pat Zhu Jingjing and said, "From now on, this will be commonplace! Let's get used to it, get used to it early!"

"Yes! I will!" Zhu Jingjing retched while finishing her vow.

"I'm better than her, I'm fine!" Xin Li gritted her teeth and said.

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