Geng Yong picked up the big hammer and went straight towards Xiao Nuo, the man stepped on the ground with both feet, making a deafening sound.

The floor he walked on was cracked, but Geng Yong's muscle cells were much more solidified...

Although Xiao Nuo's strength is not as strong as Geng Yong's, his body is nimble and he has kung fu foundation....

Xiao Nuo jumped up, stepped on Geng Yong's head, turned over and slashed at Geng Yong's back...

But this knife did not cause any substantial harm to Geng Yong. The knife cut on Geng Yong's back, but the blood did not flow out from the muscle crack, but a little oozes out...

"Hmph, you've offended me!" Geng Yong was in pain, glaring at Xiao Nuo...

As they spoke, the two began to fight again, and Lin Xiajin looked beside him, as if an adult was playing with a dog...

Geng Yong is that fat monkey, at this moment Geng Yong has already been stabbed n by Xiao Nuo...

Geng Yong, whose muscles were torn apart, although not fatal but painful, grinned, and found that he couldn't reach Xiao Nuo at all.

Even if his hammer lightly hit Xiao Nuo's body, he could smash him into a pulp, but Xiao Nuo was too flexible....

He couldn't reach it at all, he could only see bloodstains one after another on his body...


This time Xiao Nuo cut off Geng Yong's ear without hesitation, one ear fell to the ground, and blood gushed out instantly.

Geng Yong dropped the big hammer in his hand in pain, covered his bleeding ear with one hand, and the blood flowed out along the cracks between his fingers...

"Ah! I want you to die!" Geng Yong's eyes were red. For a long time, since he had a supernatural power, he had never been injured like this.

Xiao Nuo didn't have the slightest sympathy, nor was he provoked to anger, and some had even colder eyes....

Xiao Nuo cut off Geng Yong's other ear with one blow after another... Blood was gushing out from the wound....


This time Geng Yong was more painful and angry, he finally found that he couldn't reach Xiao Nuo at all, and couldn't do him any harm, instead Xiao Nuo slashed at his body like playing with him...

Geng Yong's chest and back were hacked dozens of times by Xiao Nuo, his whole clothes were soaked in blood, and his appearance looked very scary...

Seeing that Xiao Nuo really couldn't touch him, Geng Yong saw that Lin Xiajin was looking at them calmly with his hands crossed.

Geng Yong looked at this embarrassed appearance, there was no pain in his whole body, so he finally got a little bit smarter...

Geng Yong suddenly changed direction and ran towards Lin Xiajin, but Lin Xiajin still had no intention of running...

Geng Yong was secretly delighted, as long as he caught this woman and threatened Xiao Nuo, it would be a solution!

Sure enough, in times of crisis, the potential of the human body explodes, including the human IQ.

Geng Yong stretched out his bloody hand and was about to grab Lin Xiajin, but Lin Xiajin gave him a disgusted look, and dodged lightly to avoid the man's sudden attack.

Lin Xiajin turned over and gave the man a kick. This kick has 7 points of Lin Xiajin's strength...

Geng Yong's huge body fell heavily in a parabolic direction, and the surrounding floors were cracked.

Geng Yong was smashed into a big hole...

"This kick hurts me a lot." Lin Xiajin said with a frown, it seems that Geng Yong has very strong muscles.

At this moment, Geng Yong was not dead yet, his stomach was kicked out by Lin Xiajin and he was bleeding internally, Geng Yong immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, and he looked at Lin Xiajin in disbelief.

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