Facing Xiao Nuo's question, Lin Xiajin said: "Let's go, maybe we can meet again in the future."

But when Xiao Nuo heard this, what he wished was not to let Lin Xiajin meet Fang Tingting, that woman is really not easy.


Inside the building were Zhou Ping, who was wearing protective clothing and a gas mask, and Fang Tingting, a total of 4 people.

"There are a lot of supplies! It's a pity that we were separated from the main force." Lang Jing said.

"Who knew that the rain for a few days didn't let the fog disperse, but it became more dense." Zhou Ping frowned.

"When we finish collecting the supplies, we will go to the plane to gather, and then we will transport them back together." Lang Jing said.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ping asked seeing Fang Tingting's silence.

Fang Tingting didn't speak, but pulled Zhou Ping aside, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Lang Jing and the others have the idea of ​​swallowing up supplies and abandoning us. Be careful, Aping."

When Zhou Ping heard Fang Tingting's words, his complexion immediately became unwell, but it only returned to normal in an instant.

Lang Jing and Wu Pin are both supernatural beings. Lang Jing is a supernatural being of the water system in the base. He is only at the initial stage and can only release water. This time he came out to find supplies.

It's normal for a small team to come out to find supplies and bring a few water abilities, but Lang Jing doesn't have much fighting power, so he wants to join forces with Wu Frequency?

Wu Pin is a speed-type supernatural being, and these two are also lovers...

The way Fang Tingting looked at Zhou Ping changed, and there was a hint of complacency in her eyes...

It's so boring, the thoughts of the three of them are not hidden from her.

If Lang Jing has been mentally cursing her as green tea, then don't blame her!

In fact, Lang Jing and Wu Pin didn't have the idea of ​​wanting to monopolize supplies and abandon them at all. After all, they still wanted to go back to the safe zone.

They also knew that Zhou Ping was Zhou Feng's nephew. How could they easily offend Zhou Ping if they wanted to live in the safe zone?

buzz buzz...

The truck outside finally caught fire on Xiao Nuo's connection.

"The sound of a car!" Wu Pin exclaimed in surprise.

"Could it be that the big army found us?" Lang Jing also said.

The three of them hurried out to have a look. It didn't matter if they went out to look, their expressions changed.

The two cars they originally parked here, now there is only one left, and all the materials collected in this car have disappeared!

"Damn it! There are other people in City B! They must not be from our safe zone!" Wu Pin said angrily~

Because the car they stole happens to be their car!

They hurried to another car to check, and found that the supplies in the other car had been emptied long ago.

"There must be several of them, it's impossible to move everything away in such a short period of time!" Lang Jing said angrily.

"Hurry up and catch up, maybe you can catch up." Wu Pin said.

Zhou Ping and Fang Tingting exchanged glances and immediately entered the cab first.

Because it is a truck, only two people can sit in the front, one driver's seat and one passenger seat.

Lin Xiajin was in a good mood in the car. The supplies they collected were indeed good, and they seemed to be carefully selected.

"It is estimated that they will chase after them when they hear the movement." Lin Xiajin said.

"En." Xiao Nuo responded.

The two drove the truck away and put all the supplies on the truck into the space.

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