After a burst of shooting, Wu Pin hugged Zhou Ping and left. Wu Pin is a speed-type supernatural being, and suddenly burst into speed...

"Run away! So fast!" Xin Li said.

"It's a speed-type power user!" Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

Just now, Wu Pin hugged Zhou Ping and disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant, but the mutant mice still didn't seem to let them go, and the bloody smell still wafting in the air strongly attracted them...

These mutated mice really came here smelling of blood...

"Wouldn't it be a disaster if a big aunt came?" Xin Li said in a low voice.

Lin Xiajin didn't have this trouble at all. Zhu Jingjing was anemic recently, and she only had two or three menstrual blood once.

Xin Li thought about his own date, and estimated that it was still 10 days and a half months away.

Fang Tingting turned pale when she heard Xin Li's words. If she remembered correctly, her aunt probably only had two or three days.

Fang Tingting suddenly thought of Lang Jing. She remembered that Lang Jing was the aunt who came that day, which was why she attracted so many mutant mice.

"Zhou Ping ran away!" After Zhu Jingjing finished speaking, her eyes were red with dissatisfaction.

"He's injured. Even if that person is a speed-type power user, he won't be able to keep him for long. The smell of blood will soon attract mutant rats, and he won't live long." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

"En." Zhu Jingjing nodded, but she was somewhat unwilling to witness Zhou Ping's death with her own eyes.

Wu Pin and Zhou Ping left Fang Tingting and ran away...

"I didn't expect the two of them to leave me and run away." Fang Tingting said with a pale face.

But she also understood the psychological thoughts of several people, and none of them wanted her to stay, especially Xin Li who kept cursing her mentally!

Fang Tingting can't read Lin Xiajin's mind now, but she has had a relationship with Lin Xiajin for many years, and I believe Lin Xiajin will not abandon her here.

In fact, Lin Xiajin is also very difficult at the moment, but she knows that it is impossible for this team to add Fang Tingting.

Zhu Jingjing and Fang Tingting's boyfriend are enemies, Xin Li and Fang Tingting's relationship has deteriorated, and Xiao Nuo revealed Tingting's dislike from the very beginning.

Because of Zhu Jingjing's relationship, Wang Han naturally wouldn't turn to Fang Tingting, Zhang Yuan followed Xiao Nuo.

It is even more impossible for her to leave the team and follow Fang Tingting now. Don't say that she is getting older and it is difficult for her. How can she survive with Fang Tingting in the last days?

What's more, with Zhu Jingjing's recovery system, Lin Xiajin didn't want to leave.

"Xia Jin..." Fang Tingting softly called Lin Xiajin.

"Let's go, let's leave City B together first, and then I will send you to the safe area." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

Lin Xiajin made this decision in the end. To be honest, she had no friends before the end of the world and thought she was noble and unwilling to get close to others, so she was lazy to explain.

Although Fang Tingting is unwilling, she knows that this is the best choice now, and now she can only talk about getting out of City B as soon as possible.

After Lin Xiajin finished speaking, other people's psychological thoughts were no longer so contradictory, especially Xin Li...

Psychologically beautiful, she was ready for Lin Xiajin to let Fang Tingting join their team, and then she and Fang Tingting were ready for a long-term fight.

However, Lin Xiajin didn't intend to let Fang Tingting join their team, but took her out of City B temporarily and sent her back to the safe zone.

Xin Li had an idea in his mind, did Lin Xiajin also suspect something? After all, Fang Tingting was also in the video.

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