"Why is there blood?" Xin Li asked in shock.

Lin Xiajin looked down the line of sight, and there was a long blood mark on the ground of the plane.

Not only Xin Li, Wang Han, Zhang Yuan, and Xiao Nuo all saw it, and their expressions suddenly became solemn.

"Something came in." Xiao Nuo said.

Lin Xiaran also had a solemn expression on her face. At the end, Ding Yunxuan supported Zhou Yingying and hadn't come up yet, so she didn't know what happened.

"Oops, the little wolf cub is on the plane." Lin Xiajin said nervously. When they got down, Lin Xiajin forgot to put the little wolf cub in the space.

Xiao Nuo, Wang Han, and Zhang Yuan immediately searched for the plane...

Xin Li, Zhu Jingjing and the others were all waiting at the boarding gate, and they didn't plan to go in right away.

"Brother, what happened?" Ding Yunxuan stood outside and asked with a frown. He was thirsty and hungry, and he just wanted to go in and rest.

"Wait." Lin Xiaran said.

Ding Yunxuan listened to Lin Xiaran's words, so he didn't ask any more questions, they all came out anyway, so just wait a little longer.

Lin Xiajin was worried about the little wolf cub. Looking at the bright red blood on the ground, it might be the blood of the little wolf cub. If it was a zombie, it would definitely not be the case.

"Here." Wang Han said after a while.

Lin Xiajin glanced at Lin Xiaran and said, "Brother, I'll go and have a look."

"Okay." Lin Xiaran replied.

Lin Xiajin walked over following Wang Han's voice, and Lin Xiaran followed behind. Seeing that Lin Xiaran had gone, Xin Li also followed.

Zhu Jingjing stayed where she was, thought for a while and followed...

In the end, only Ding Yunxuan was left waiting at the gate of the plane with Zhou Yingying on his back.

Blood dripped all the way to the kitchen, and all kinds of hairs fell off the ground, which were white wild goose feathers.

"Big goose?" Lin Xiajin was stunned, never would have thought that a wild goose would run out of the plane.

There was still blood on the little wolf cub's hair, and he crawled on the ground motionless...

"Little wolf!" Lin Xiajin said nervously.

The little wolf cub lying on the ground heard Lin Xiajin's voice, moved his eyes and opened them, struggling to get up...

Lin Xiajin immediately ran over and hugged the little wolf cub in his arms.

The little wolf cub was only two or three months old, and the wild goose was two or three times its size, and it was killed by the wild goose!

"Xia Jin, don't be too sad, let me take a look." Zhu Jingjing came out from behind.

Lin Xiajin nodded. She wanted to throw the little wolf cub into the space immediately. The small well water in the space has a healing effect, but it is still much worse than Zhu Jingjing's.

"Okay." Lin Xiajin didn't refuse either.

Zhu Jingjing's palm slowly condensed a soft light, which penetrated into the little wolf cub's body.

"Little wolf, he suffered some minor injuries. I guess he was exhausted and exhausted." Zhu Jingjing knew the situation of the little wolf cub as soon as he got in.

Treating some minor injuries doesn't consume much energy for Zhu Jingjing now.

Lin Xiaran looked at the energy in Zhu Jingjing's hands, but she didn't expect that this girl with glasses would be of the healing department.

"Thank you." Lin Xiajin said.

"You're welcome, there's no need to be so polite between us." Zhu Jingjing said with a smile.

Lin Xiajin put the little wolf cub into his own space, and the little wolf cub began to sleep in the space.

The physical exertion is too much....

Seeing such a big goose on the ground, Zhang Yuan picked it up and said, "There is no mutation! Can we have extra meals today? Goose meat!"

Wild goose meat is not only very delicious, but also has high nutritional and medicinal value.

Lin Xiajin remembers an old Chinese saying: "It is better to eat four taels of poultry than a catty of animals.

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