Lin Xiajin slowed down the heartbeat just now, although Xiao Nuo looked aloof and not good at talking, he felt very safe...

Such a sense of security is very precious in the last days....

Lin Xiajin's room is a suite, which is a large bedroom with a double bed, and there is a simple crib next to it. Lin Xiajin looks at this crib with gentle eyes...

This crib was found by Xiao Nuo from other residents of Huangshi Ancient Village. It doesn't look new but it is very strong and clean...

It can be seen that Xiao Nuo cleaned it in advance when he moved in...

Lin Xiajin was lying on the bed. The cushions, sheets and quilts were all newly found, but the weather is also hot now, and the quilts have long been removed...

It seems that we still need to find some mats, Lin Xiajin thought about it again to see what baby supplies he needs to replenish...

I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, but she likes it equally no matter if it's a boy or a girl...

Thinking wildly, Lin Xiajin slowly fell asleep. In the morning, everyone got up very early.

In the last days, sleep has become more regular. Go to bed early and get up early. Before the end of the world, there are people who can sleep until the sun is up.

Of course, except for Xiao Nuo and the others who are more self-disciplined in the defense forces.

After dinner, everyone packed up and brought their weapons. Everyone except Lin Xiajin carried a schoolbag on their backs.

Several people boarded the plane together, and the weather outside has started to heat up slowly, but today when I went to Huangshi Ancient Village, I still wore long-sleeved clothes except for Lin Xiajin, whose wrists and arms were all wrapped in cloth...

I still wear leather gloves on my hands, and it is also effective to have clothes to block it from being scratched by zombies, but the weather is really good.

As soon as they got out, they were sweating. It would be better to have air-conditioning on the plane.

"Today's important task is to purchase supplies and try not to get entangled with zombies." Lin Xiaran said.

Several people nodded, generators, air conditioners, if gasoline needs to be replenished, the plane also needs gasoline.

Lin Xiajin also vacated most of the space, and the supplies were piled up in the storage room in the yard, but Lin Xiajin didn't vacate the children and some food.

In the cockpit, Zhang Yuan turned on his laptop to perform satellite positioning...

"Most of City H has collapsed because of the earthquake cameras, but the largest shopping mall is fine," Zhang Yuan said.

"It is not a tofu project that can withstand a major earthquake." Wang Han said.

City H arrived soon, and they could almost see the whole of City H from above, almost half of the buildings collapsed and tilted...

Soon they arrived at the shopping mall in City H, covering an area of ​​150,000 square meters, with more than 1,000 stores and specialty stores, 230 elevators, and nearly 10,000 employees.

This shopping mall is full of antique buildings, and it is a characteristic shopping mall in H City.

"Only part of the shops in this area collapsed," Zhang Yuan said.

This shopping center took 10 years to gradually build up by the city H government, driving the development of city H.

In particular, the Huafu Festival in City H is famous all over the country and even the world. Unfortunately, all this seems to have disappeared yesterday. Now, apart from the screaming and howling zombies, it is a scene of depression and retreat.

"There is an apron on the top floor of this shopping mall, we can just park here." Zhang Yuan pointed to the map displayed on the laptop.

Xiao Nuo nodded and prepared to land the plane on the top apron.

The plane landed slowly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief until it landed safely.

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