Lin Xiaran held the little girl in her arms, who was thin and pitiful. She didn't know how big the child was, but she looked like a three-year-old just by looking at her body shape.

There was a small episode in the middle, and it was considered a smooth walk to the top floor. Fortunately, no zombies broke into the balcony on the top floor.

Lin Xiajin looked at the dark zombies below the top floor, and faintly saw a few of them that were different.

It seems that not only their human abilities are constantly breaking through the bottleneck and evolving, but so are these zombies.

After boarding the plane, a few people really felt that the pressure was not so great...

"Get ready to take off, everyone pay attention." Wang Han said on the radio.

The taxiway on the apron on the top floor is relatively short, so Xiao Nuo needs to speed up, and it may be bumpy during this time...


The plane took off... Then they originally wanted to go to the hospital to find medical equipment, but now they have added a child temporarily, and taking them there might increase the danger.

The most important thing is that Lin Xiajin collected too much from the supermarket, almost covering up the space, and the open space in the middle of the space can't put anything, and all the fruits and vegetables she grows are in the middle.

City H is only a minute or two away from Huangshi Ancient Village on the outskirts by plane, and it only takes more than 10 minutes by high-speed rail.

In the bathroom on the plane, Lin Xiajin decided to give Xiaoguai a bath first, and change into clean clothes...

Lin Xiajin collects quite a lot of children's clothes, she has them in her space, and the ones she hoarded before are all stored in Huangshi Ancient Village.

Xiao Guai guessed that she was nervous when she was in a strange environment, she just didn't take a shower, and then curled up in a corner and couldn't come out.

"It's probably because I stayed in the warehouse for a long time, there were zombies everywhere, and I often hid in cardboard boxes to become like this." Lin Xiajin sighed.

Zhou Yingying opened her mouth to say something, but thinking of what Ding Yunxuan said to her, she held back her words and just turned her head to look outside.

"An adult can't stand being alone in one place, let alone a child." Xin Li sighed.

"I'm going to try it." Lin Xiajin said, after all, she brought him back.

Xiao Guai didn't know how long he hadn't bathed, his whole body was smelly, and his hair was knotted like his father's. If he put a bird on it, it might be used as a bird's nest.

Lin Xiajin carried Xiaoguai into the master bedroom and asked everyone else to go out. Too many people would make Xiaoguai nervous.

Zhu Jingjing wanted to come in to help but was stopped by Xin Li, and said: "Listen to Xia Jin, that child is too nervous, I didn't see her curling her hands together just now."

Zhu Jingjing nodded. She saw it just now, but she couldn't help sighing: "It's really not easy to survive."

They have seen too many small zombies that turned into corpses, of all sizes.

In the airplane bedroom, Lin Xiajin put Xiaoguai on the chair, and she squatted down to look at Xiaoguai at the same level.

As Lin Xiajin said, she took out a doll from the space, which she collected together in the supermarket, and was originally intended to be kept for the children.

"How about giving this to you?" Lin Xiajin saw some fluctuations in Xiaoguai's eyes, and seemed to like dolls very much.

"But your hands are too dirty, they will get dirty. I'll wash you clean, and I'm giving this to you, okay?" Lin Xiajin tempted.

The little girl nodded her head for the first time. She also likes dolls and toys, but her father doesn't want her to take them for her safety, because her father gave her a doll with a sound before.

As a result, zombies were attracted. If her father hadn't returned in time, she might have been eaten.

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