The summer brocade of the apple grove is also counted as level one, the only thing that needs to be tested is how long it takes to grow back after picking it off.

The apple tree probably bears more than 100 apples. Lin Xiajin remembers that an ordinary apple tree can bear more than 200 apples at least!

What Lin Xiajin didn't know was that the apple trees she planted were not ordinary apple trees, they all contained energy, and naturally produced fewer fruits than ordinary apples, even though they were few, they were also much larger than ordinary apples.

Lin Xiajin picked more than 20 apples, and wrote down the date to see how long the apple tree bears fruit.

In fact, Lin Xiajin wanted to throw all the rest to the tomatoes and cucumbers, but after trying to throw them, the tomatoes and cucumbers also bear fruit in a month, but the taste and fruit will become bigger.

Lin Xiajin simply stopped putting crystal beads into the tomatoes.

Lin Xiajin has been thinking about it. It seems that it needs to be excavated slowly in the future. Lin Xiajin has recorded all these data and will slowly mine it.

After the consciousness came out of the space, he saw Xiaoguai quietly hugging the doll and fell asleep. Lin Xiajin adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner to keep it at about 20 degrees.

Wang Han and Ding Yunxuan installed the air conditioners, leaving only the solar panels, which can also save the power of the generator.

In the evening I hope they come back, and they really caught another litter of wild rabbits at night.

The next day, Lin Xiajin distributed an apple to everyone, and the space apple was full of energy.

Lin Xiajin plans to eat one a day to replenish the body's energy. As the months get older, the body needs more and more energy.

The kitchen is where everyone usually gathers.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter in the next few days, reaching 40 degrees at the hottest time at noon.

"The weather is too hot this time, there is no way to get out of the air-conditioned room!" Xin Li said.

"But staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time is also very uncomfortable." Zhu Jingjing said.

"We are still a village, surrounded by mountains and there is a mountain spring to cool down, otherwise it will be even hotter." Zhang Yuan said.

At night, several of their men would go to the mountain spring to cool down, even their few girls.

For several days in succession, everyone's eyes turned black and their skin became dry, but Lin Xiajin didn't seem to have this trouble.

It is still very white, and the skin is not dry. Lin Xiajin didn't use skin care products, which may be the reason for the strong cell metabolism.

"I've checked. There are three waves of thermals. We are now in the first wave that will last for about a month. The second wave will be purple and the temperature will exceed 40 degrees. The temperature in the third wave will drop." Zhang Yuan He took out his laptop and said.

"How long will the second and third waves last?" Lin Xiajin asked.

Zhang Yuan shook his head and said, "We can't calculate it now, we can only calculate it when the second wave arrives."

"The third trimester of pregnancy is the most afraid of heat, Lin Xiajin, are you almost 6 months now?" Zhu Jingjing said worriedly.

Lin Xiajin nodded and said, "It's okay, we still have the air conditioner, if it doesn't work, I'll go to the cellar."

Lin Xiaran's face was a little dignified, and said: "Zhang Yuan just said that the second wave of high temperature is likely to exceed 40 degrees, so will the generator outside be unable to withstand long-term operation?"

"I've also thought about this problem. If the temperature really exceeds 40 degrees, the generator will definitely not be able to bear it." Wang Han said in a deep voice.

"Just in case, let's hurry up and clean up the cellar." Lin Xiajin said.

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