Xiao Nuo arranged them at the west end of the village, they can look for supplies in the village, except for a few courtyards on their side.

But most of the supplies in the village have already been looted.

"Taozi, what do you think of those people?" asked the big pillar beside him.

Taozi is their only wood-type ability user, and Dazhuzi and Erzhuzi are both strength-type ability users.

So in their team, led by the three of them, Taozi is the only one in their village who went to university outside, so everyone will ask Taozi for advice on anything.

"I don't think those people are very good. Huangshi Ancient Village is not their family's land. If they say they occupy this place, they will take it? What is it? My aunt's family still belongs to Huangshi Ancient Village." Er Zhuzi said dissatisfied.

Da Zhuzi knew why Er Zhuzi was so angry. It was because the two men were both handsome and Er Zhuzi had a crush on Taozi.

"Second brother, it's useless to say these things in the last days." Tao Zi frowned.

It would be nice if people could let them in.

"Brother, let my aunt and the others stay here first. There is mountain spring water in this village, at least we won't be short of water."

"That's right, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the mountain spring water is getting colder." Da Zhuzi said.

"Second brother, you are taking a few people to the village to look for supplies, maybe there are some leftovers, don't go to those courtyards to the east." Wang Taozi still remembered what those two people said.

Wang Taozi worried about Brother Er Zhuzi and said, "Don't mess with those two people, that man is very strong!"

She is also a supernatural being, and she can vaguely sense that those people's supernatural powers are stronger than hers.

Erzhuzi was a little unhappy, and said with some dissatisfaction on his face, "Got it."

There are more supernatural beings on the opposite side than them, and all three of them are a group of old, weak, sick and disabled.

Da Zhuzi and Er Zhuzi are both power-type power users. After awakening the power-type power, their height has skyrocketed from 175 to 185, and the muscles on their arms are very obvious.

Taozi sighed softly, and hoped that Erzhuzi would not cause trouble. She came from the village and had not yet graduated from the medical department of H University. She was supposed to go home and ask for leave for two days due to family business, but the end of the world came.

Fortunately, the village is self-sufficient, and there is a lot of food in their village, but the water is tap water.

It didn't take long for the running water to stop. Fortunately, a resident still had a well in his home.

In the past few days, the number of wells has become less and less, and finally dried up. They had no choice but to come to Huangshi Ancient Village.

This village has natural mountain spring water, which will never be exhausted. You can go without food for a few days, but you will die if you don’t drink the water for three days.

They rode tricycles and walked dozens of miles to Huangshi Ancient Village.

There were 20 to 30 people in their village at the beginning, but they were all old people. Most of them couldn't bear it and died. Some of them were eaten by zombies, and there were only three young people left with them, the old and the young.

In fact, Wang Taozi also did not tell the truth to Xiao Nuo and the others. Of course, she can give birth to plants because of her wood-type abilities, but it takes a lot of energy to give birth to plants....

Now she can only produce one tomato with all her energy every day. Who can eat enough of them? On the contrary, it will lead to conflicts among the people.

So Wang Taozi didn't reveal that she could give birth to plants.

"Sister Taozi." A seven or eight-year-old boy ran in.

"What's wrong?" Wang Taozi looked at the little boy and said.

The children who can stay in the village are left-behind children, and these children also survived by hiding in the cellar and playing.

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