Ding Yunxuan's luck was relatively good, and he was rushed up directly.

Lin Xiaran followed Xiaoguai's direction but did not find Lin Xiajin, but Lin Xiajin must have been rescued by Xiao Nuo.

At this moment, Xiaoguai was exposed to the rain for a long time, and he was malnourished and young, so he passed out.

Lin Xiaran had no choice but to swim ashore with Xiaoguai first, since there should be nothing wrong with Xiao Nuo on her sister's side.

Lin Xiaran swam ashore to hug Xiaoguai, the torrential rain continued, Xiaoguai's face turned pale.

Lin Xiaran directly visualized an umbrella and hit Xiao Guai on the body.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo went out of the space, and it was still raining heavily outside, so there were still raincoats in the space, Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiajin both put on raincoats.

The little wolf cub couldn't stay in the space all the time, because there was not enough oxygen in the space, so Lin Xiajin had no choice but to carry the little wolf cub out.

Wait until the oxygen in the space recovers automatically.

Nothing can be seen on the bridge outside, only the damage of the plane can be seen, and the river has overflowed from the rising water...

"It's raining too much, and it's going to be dark soon, find a safe place first!" Xiao Nuo said.

It is now estimated to be more than 6 o'clock, and the sky will be dark in half an hour, and it will be completely dark.

Lin Xiajin nodded, now that it was dark and it was raining heavily, even if she went to look for them again, she might not find anything.

Maybe they are also looking for a safe place to rest now.

The water on the street has already reached the ankles, and this is because there is a special river in City H, otherwise it would have reached the thighs long ago.

There are also zombies on the street, but it seems that they are moving very slowly because of the heavy rain.

Boom boom boom...the sky still has thunder from time to time.

The sight is not clear in the dark night, only the direction can be vaguely seen during the lightning and thunder, and those reflective bubbles and white zombies...

Puff puff puff... Xiao Nuo's lightning power also seems to have strengthened during the rainy night.

Puff puff puff... The crystal pearl Lin Xiajin in the zombie's head didn't intend to let it go, but now that she has a big belly, it's much harder to squat down and pick out the zombie's head.

Xiao Nuo took the initiative to pick up the zombies, and occasionally some zombies rushed over and Lin Xiajin chopped off their heads.

As more and more zombies were hacked, Lin Xiajin frowned slightly and said, "There are more and more zombies."

Sure enough, even if she is in good health, she will feel a little unwell when the month is old.

"En!" Xiao Nuo responded, and threw a cloud of lightning in his hands towards the group of zombies behind him...

The rainwater can conduct electricity, and there is a burst of blue light around it. Although the zombies can't be killed by the electricity, they can paralyze their bodies and convulse and fall to the ground.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo turned into the nearby residential building, which is an old-fashioned residential building with only 6 floors, no elevators and only stairs.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo climbed up to the sixth floor at one go, Lin Xiajin felt a slight tightness in his stomach, and Lin Xiajin put the little wolf cub on the ground.

The door was opened by Lin Xiajin, and a cloud of dust filled the room...

"Be careful!" Lin Xiajin grabbed Xiao Nuo, and rushed towards a zombie...

ho ho...

Lin Xiajin threw out the knife in his hand and directly nailed the zombie's head to the wall. The zombie was still not completely dead, and it screamed at the wall...

Lin Xiajin let go of Xiao Nuo's arm, the room was too dark, but Lin Xiajin's vision was not affected much.

When the two of them entered the room, they didn't completely deal with the zombies nailed to the wall immediately, but first observed whether there were other zombies in the room.

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