It is unknown how long the fire outside will burn, and it seems that this fire has further stimulated the group of mutant mice.

The mutated rats climbed up the building frantically. All the corpses of the zombies in this building were eaten up by the mutated rats...


The irritated rats quickly spread up, starting from the roof and going out to mutated rats.

Lin Xiajin cut one at a time, but there were too many mutated rats, and Lin Xiajin couldn't kill them all...

Fortunately, Lin Xiajin's physical fitness has surpassed the third level, and now his speed has also become faster.

Otherwise, once surrounded by these mutated rats, she would have no choice but to hide in the space.

Seeing more and more mutated mice, Lin Xiajin took out the unfinished aviation kerosene from the space and poured it at the entrance of the safe passage.

Throwing a fire, those mutated mice are still climbing up one after another, like moths halfway to the flame....


Lin Xiajin also poured gasoline on the other three sides of the roof, then set it on fire and started burning...

All sides were on fire, and waves of heat rushed towards us. The weather was originally over 30 degrees, and with the heat wave, the temperature was even higher, and she was still in the central area...

Moreover, the burning black smoke contained the corpse of the mutated mouse, and the rancid blood of the mutated mouse burned with a pungent smell...

Many people were not burned to death when they encountered a fire, but were choked to death by inhaling thick smoke.

The fire set by Lin Xiajin was estimated to burn for a day and a night, so Lin Xiajin dodged directly into the space.

The temperature of the space is constant, and there is no pungent smell. Lin Xiajin is relieved lying on the sofa in the space...?

Lin Xiajin's face and body were covered with black ash, Lin Xiajin didn't wash it first, but went to see the wind coyotes first.

"Aohu~" Even though Gale Wolf was bitten a few times by the mutated mouse... Lin Xiajin thought that the wolf was seriously injured.

But at this moment, Lin Xiajin realized that only the hair of the Wind Coyotes had been bitten off. Lin Xiajin looked at the exposed skin of the Wind Coyotes and was not injured.

Lin Xiajin threw another golden crystal bead to Gaifeng for it to absorb.

Lin Xiajin doesn't have a metallic ability, but the metallicity of Galewind Coyotes seems to be sharpened on the claws, and other Lin Xiajin hasn't discovered it yet.

Maybe it's because Gale Wolf has absorbed few crystal beads, so it hasn't been brought out yet.

It is much more difficult for mutated animals to absorb abilities than ordinary people. Most of the skills of mutated animals are innate talents.

The awakening talents of various mutated animals are different, but they are more based on the animal's instinct.

Lin Xiajin looked at the time, and changed into clean clothes in the space. She couldn't take a bath with well spring water....

She could simply use a towel to pour some mineral water to wipe her face, and she didn't wash her body for the time being, because she knew that as long as she went out, she would definitely be dirty again.

Now the space has expanded a lot, with land and spring water in the middle, and all kinds of things that Lin Xiajin collected around.

In Lin Xiajin's space, she is the controller who knows everything in the space, and can go to any place in the space at any time.

The oxygen level in the space allowed her to stay in the space for 7.8 hours.

But Lin Xiajin looked at the time. She has been in the space for 3 hours, and she will go out of the space to have a look.

She can't stay in the space all the time.

Lin Xiajin was still in the original place when she got out of the space. Lin Xiajin put on two layers of masks, and the inner layer was already soaked with well spring water, which could filter some black smoke.

As soon as I came out, I felt a slight heat wave, but it was not as hot as I imagined....

It was because the sky began to rain again, and the rain slowly extinguished the fire that Lin Xiajin had burned before, so the heat wave weakened.

It is raining again? Lin Xiajin frowned! She thought the torrential rain was about to stop, but she didn't expect it to start falling again...

How hopeless it is!

Although it was raining again, half of the mutant mice around had been burned to death by the fire...

The mutant rat corpses on the wall were tightly stuck to the wall, and some were burnt and washed down by the rain...

There was still a fire in the safe passage, and a group of charred corpses of mutant rats lay on the ground...

Just when Lin Xiajin was thinking about what to do, Xiao Nuo's consciousness suddenly appeared in her space!

Lin Xiajin was overjoyed, the extent of Lin Xiajin's space, Xiao Nuo could consciously enter her space.

Now that Lin Xiajin's space has been upgraded to 800 square meters, then Xiao Nuo must be around her.

"Where are you?" Lin Xiajin said excitedly.

"I'm on the third floor now! Which floor are you on?" Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice, but his voice trembled uncontrollably.

Xiao Nuo swam all the way, and the water directly flooded the second floor. When he climbed to the third floor, he encountered a group of mutant mice and zombies.

In addition, being in the water further increases his power, and he can easily deal with a group of mutant rats.

Xiao Nuo kept thinking about Lin Xiajin in his mind, but he didn't expect that the imprint on his arm changed, and his consciousness entered Lin Xiajin's space.

In a daze, Xiao Nuo saw that Lin Xiajin's space had grown larger...

But he hurriedly asked about Lin Xiajin's exact location.

"I'm surrounded by mutant rats in the rooftop building, you have to be careful!" Lin Xiajin instructed.

"Yeah!" Xiao Nuo left Lin Xiajin's space consciously after finishing speaking, surrounded by mutant rats, Xiao Nuo didn't dare to be careless, he could only temporarily suppress the excitement in his heart, and hurriedly asked Lin Xiajin on which floor. Straight away….

It's a pity that they want Xiao Nuo's real body to enter Lin Xiajin's space, and the two of them must get close to her to let Xiao Nuo enter the space.

At this moment, Lin Xiajin suddenly remembered that she had encountered that weird mutant zombie on the 6th or 5th floor.

That weird zombie was the one that swallowed mutant mice alive, and its defense was amazing!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin couldn't help but worry Xiao Nuo, if adding a group of mutant rats to that mutant zombie...

Lin Xiajin worried whether Xiao Nuo could handle it.

Holding the Tang Dao in his hand, Lin Xiajin ran towards the safe passage without hesitation. There were still many mutant mice in the passage...

creak creak...

Lin Xiajin slashed and kicked, she was very envious of those fire and wind abilities.

Lin Xiajin hacked here for a long time before killing dozens of mutant mice, and every mutant mouse killed by Lin Xiajin was blown out.

Zizizi...a blue-purple electric light suddenly appeared...

A group of mutated rats were instantly scorched by electricity, and their tails curled up.

Lin Xiajin's chopping and kicking only killed dozens of mutant rats, which is not as good as Xiao Nuo's huge lightning ball! .

A large group of mutant mice were brought down immediately.

"Lin Xiajin!" Xiao Nuo climbed up from downstairs, he didn't stop breathing, and finally he saw Lin Xiajin!

Xiao Nuo's whole body was covered with small wounds, his beard was sloppy, and his clothes were already soaked with water dripping down.

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