Undoubtedly, this night gave everyone a very bad experience, and now they feel pain in their bodies as long as they hear the buzzing sound...

Lin Xiajin put the sleeping baby into the space, and now the baby can sleep for 3 hours at a time after eating.

And Lin Xiajin found that their little bun was really well-behaved and didn't cry much.

Lin Xiajin put a small doll beside the baby to comfort the little bun...

Continuing to set off, everyone still needs to wrap plastic film on their legs. The allergies on Zhang Yuan's legs have just gone away, and they have to wrap plastic film again. When they take it off, they will definitely have a bunch of red rashes...

Zhang Yuan hesitated, and Zhou Yingying on the side saw it and reminded: "You are wrapping a cotton cloth inside the plastic film. Although it is hot, at least you won't be allergic!"

"This is a good idea! Thank you, Zhou Yingying!" Zhang Yuan said in a very kind tone.

Zhou Yingying seemed to feel the gratitude from Zhang Yuan for the first time, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

After several people packed up, they studied the location of the map...

They decided to set off, and still the wind coyotes were on her shoulders, with Lin Xiaran carrying Xiaoguai on his back.

"I remember walking two streets forward to the shopping mall we visited before?" Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

He still remembered what the savage said back then, that there were mutated zombies there who were still strong, and there was also Xiaoguai's father, who probably also became a mutated zombie.

The savage had a third-level lightning system at the beginning, but he didn't know what would happen if he mutated into a zombie.

"Yes!" Xiao Nuo nodded.

They absolutely can't go there, they can only choose to take a detour and walk through from the north. The higher terrain in the north will reduce the rain and silt.

As long as they pass through the north side, they will take the expressway directly. This way is easier to walk. The surrounding villages and counties of City H may have been submerged by the flood long ago...

Sure enough, the further north they went, the less mud there was. When they first came out on the first day, the mud was as high as their thighs. Now the mud here has reached their ankles. Basically, there is no need to wrap plastic sheets, just put the shoes on. , after all, the weather of 30 degrees is still very hot.

The building here did not flood to the 8th floor, only to the 5.6th floor. It seems that the high terrain is still good.

However, a lot of high-rise buildings collapsed from the middle before the earthquake, and finally they found a 20-story high-rise building, but it collapsed in half from the 10th floor in the middle, and they stayed on the 7th floor to rest...

After cleaning up the zombies on the 7.8 floor, the dug crystal beads were divided among several people. Everyone rested very well that night. There were no mosquitoes in the brain, and the bumps on their faces also disappeared a lot.

But the next morning, when they were packing up and preparing to leave, they found a person in the corridor.

a woman! Are there any survivors here? Except for Ding Yunxuan's terrified face, everyone else looked surprised, but the guy in his hand didn't let go, and instead became more vigilant!

"Hello! Are you human?" Zhang Yuan asked boldly.

The woman was standing at the top of the stairs, her legs were covered with black mud, and her face was also covered with mud.

He ignored Zhang Yuan, but his eyes fell directly on Ding Yunxuan and said gloomyly: "I've been looking for you for a long time, for a long time!"

Hearing this, everyone else looked at Ding Yunxuan curiously...

I saw that Ding Yunxuan's face was livid, and he had been struggling for a long time with this crazy woman in front of him...

Xin Li at the side thought of something and said: "She, she could not be the female devil you mentioned? The one who made you eat rats every day and break your legs?"

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