This scene terrified everyone. The people in the base threw out the dead bodies, and the dead bodies instantly burned and turned white...

The ordinary people in the base stopped making trouble in an instant. Although they were hungry in the base, at least their lives were still alive. After leaving the base, their bodies turned white...

But this is suppressed for a short period of time, and I am afraid it will not work for a long time. Everyone knows this.

After another week, the aurora still did not dissipate, and people began to move around again. Different ordinary people died every day, and then they were thrown out of the factory.

Now there are more than 10 corpses piled up outside the factory, and now one or two people die every day. I am afraid that the number of people who die every day will increase in the future.

And the supernatural dormitory was not peaceful. At the beginning, everyone was supernatural and restrained. They all politely exchanged some food, and exchanged crystal beads if they didn't have any supplies. If they couldn't, they began to borrow.

But who would borrow something at this time?

Lin Xiajin and the others have encountered several waves in the past few days...?


Someone came to knock on the door again... Lin Xiajin and the others kept knocking without opening the door. At the end, the noisy Zhou Yingying was very annoying, and she opened the door angrily.

"Is it over? Nothing! No food! No borrowing! No exchange!" Zhou Yingying said in one breath the moment she opened the door.

Now there is a 9-year-old boy at the door. His face is sallow, which shows that he is already malnourished.

Seeing that it was a child who knocked on the door, Zhou Yingying took back her words that she was about to yell at, but she still frowned with displeasure, and said, "Is there something wrong, kid?"

"Sister, please give me something to eat! I haven't eaten for three days!" As he spoke, the little boy knelt down towards Zhou Yingying, and then kowtowed violently...

bang bang bang...

There was a loud knock on the floor. Zhou Yingying had never seen this scene before, and she panicked for a while. She quickly helped the little boy up.

The little boy's forehead was already blue, and he was afraid that he would bleed after being knocked twice.

"Stop knocking! We don't have knocking..." Zhou Yingying had just finished speaking cruelly, when the little boy just got up and knelt down to knock.

Frame frame...

The little boy's forehead bled instantly, and the blood on his forehead was all over his face.

"Don't knock me, I'll go and ask you." Zhou Yingying frowned slightly and said hastily.

The little boy stopped when he heard Zhou Yingying's words, and Zhou Yingying turned around and entered the dormitory...

"What should I do, should I give it or not? It's just a seven or eight-year-old boy!" Zhou Yingying said helplessly.

"I suggest not to give it! It is easy to cause accidents." Xin Li said

It's not that she is cold-blooded, it's mainly that she has seen a lot of things in the security base, and people's hearts are the most vulnerable to the test in the last days.

Zhu Jingjing hesitated but didn't speak. The little boy at the door seemed to hear Xin Li's words and began to kowtow again.

"Why don't you give me some?" Zhu Jingjing couldn't help but said.

Everyone looked at Lin Xiajin. After all, the food was on Lin Xiajin's body now, so naturally Lin Xiajin had the final say.

Lin Xiajin looked up at the little boy whose head was covered with blood, sighed lightly, and took out a box of instant noodles from the space.

"Tell him not to come again, and he won't be knocked to death at the door next time." Lin Xiajin said coldly.

"Okay!" Zhou Yingying nodded. She also felt that it was not very good, but she saw the little boy kowtowing non-stop, and the blood on his face was just for food...

Zhou Yingying didn't encounter such a situation before the end of the world. After the end of the world, she stayed in the base and her treatment was pretty good. Later, she came out with her senior brother and never met any strange people!

Zhou Yingying threw a pack of instant noodles, and then told the little boy what Lin Xiajin had said in a cold voice.

The little boy didn't even say thank you, but ran away with the instant noodles.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yingying's face changed slightly, feeling that something was wrong there.

But it was Zhou Yingying, Lin Xiajin regretted giving the instant noodles, the second time after the first time...! I hope this little boy is not looking for trouble!

"I hope there will be no knocks on the door for a while!" Zhou Yingying said.

The little boy took the instant noodles and went back to the dormitory inside...

"Mom! There are instant noodles!" The little boy said excitedly as soon as he arrived at the dormitory.

"Son, why are you bleeding all over your face!" The woman looked at her child worriedly, feeling very distressed.

"Great, bring it here!" The man immediately took the instant noodles.

The woman wiped her son's wound with distress, but the man hurried to instant noodles. They didn't have much in stock, and there were only three members of their family, so they didn't go out to stock up on supplies every day.

There were other supernatural beings living in this dormitory. Seeing that the little boy was about to get food, the family also became suspicious.

"Dad! You leave half for mom!" The little boy said as he watched his father want to eat all the food.

The man ate half and wiped his mouth, and gave the remaining half to the little boy. He said, "Eat quickly!"

The little boy took two bites and handed it to his mother...?

"Mom, eat something!" said the little boy.

The woman licked her lips and shook her head, "Mom is not hungry, you can eat!"

"Your mother is not hungry, son, eat! Eat quickly!" the man urged.

If you don't eat this food quickly, you won't be able to tell if someone forces it.

He is the only one in his family of three who is a supernatural being, so he may not be able to protect them, and besides, every time he goes out to find supplies, he is himself!

At first he was responsible, but as time went on, his status became more and more obvious, and now he no longer takes his wife seriously.

On the contrary, raising another daughter-in-law is simply a drag. This kind of thinking becomes more and more frequent as time goes by...?

Especially for nearly half a month, they didn't have much food, and now they have to feed three people.

"Mom, you eat!" said the little boy.

"Eat what to eat! You can eat if you can't do anything!" The man cursed angrily, as if all the grievances of the past few days had been released.

The woman didn't dare to speak, but just hid aside with her arms around the child, the light in her eyes had long since disappeared.

"Son, mom is not hungry, you should eat quickly! Mom will eat when she is hungry!" the woman said with a weak voice but still held back.

This is the little boy who kowtowed and bleeds in exchange for such a pack of instant noodles!

How could she eat as a mother, if she wanted to kneel or kowtow, she was the one to go!

The dormitory for supernatural beings is still so difficult, let alone ordinary people... Ordinary people’s food was given every three days at first, but now it is given every five days.

Moreover, the vegetables in the base are decreasing every day, and most of them are stolen by people with supernatural powers, and the base can no longer control it...

During the chaos, most people were seeking to protect themselves, and three days later, the canteen in the factory was robbed collectively by people with supernatural powers, the warehouse was opened, and ordinary people also crazily rushed for food.

The factory was completely chaotic, and Gao Feng and Xiao Yuan had no way to control these things. Fortunately, they had enough food.

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