Both Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo felt that something was unusual, but now that they have entered Liuhe County, it is too late to go out now.

"Oops, the smoke is getting thicker..." Lin Xiajin said feeling a little uneasy.

Xiao Nuo turned on the lights of the motorcycle, but as the fog became thicker and thicker, the headlights of the motorcycle were useless.

The road behind them was also shrouded in mist.

There were no zombies, and there was only smoke around them. Instead, they seemed to have entered an empty city.


They walked for about two hours, but the fog outside still did not dissipate. It was not an option to continue walking like this, and the little bun in the space had already woken up.

The two simply hid in the space, rested for a while and then came out, the smoke was not so thick when they came in... maybe the smoke is also time-sensitive.

The aurora they encountered before dissipated during the day and emerged at night.

Fortunately, Xiao Nuo was bound to Lin Xiajin, otherwise he would not be able to enter Lin Xiajin's space, the two had dinner in the space, and teased Xiao Baozi again.

Lin Xiajin looked at the time and three hours had passed. Although Xiao Baozi hadn't slept yet, Xiaoyunduo and Blast were playing with him in the space.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo left the space, and the smoke was much lighter than at noon.

"It's really strange. Usually this kind of heavy fog is in the morning or evening, but this heavy fog happens at noon." Lin Xiajin said with a frown

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!" Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice

Lin Xiajin nodded in agreement.

Two people came out of the space, both holding weapons for self-defense.

There are also two or three high-rise buildings in Daxia in the county seat, two of which are along the shop, and Lin Xiajin directly kicked open the door of a shop.

There are no zombies, everything is well placed, and there is no blood on the ground, but the surface is covered with a layer of dust after the things have been left for too long.

"This Liuhe County is very strange!"

Yangma Town on the other side.

The past two days in Yangma Town have been quite chaotic, because many people have entered Yangma Town, and these people are all from other cities.

"We went fishing just now, and we heard something!" Ding Yunxuan said nervously

"You said, brother Xiao and Lin Xiajin will be fine, right?" Zhang Yuan asked.

"It's just going to a county seat, what can happen? It's not like the two of them have never gone out alone!" Zhou Yingying said

Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiajin are very strong, plus they have space! If there is danger, they can also hide in the space!

"That's what I said, we just came back and heard it occasionally!" Ding Yunxuan said

"Some of them have been to Liuhe County before, but they never came back!"

"Impossible? The population of Liuhe County is much smaller than that of Yancheng! There must be very few zombies!" Xin Li said

"Don't worry! Xia Jin is the one who can lift the subway, so it must be fine!" Zhou Yingying said

How many people can lift the subway? Besides, Lin Xiajin would be fine if he had space.

Everyone is not worried, but there are too many people fishing today, and it may not be long before all the fish here will be caught.

Everyone finished the meal, but Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo still didn't come back, they usually come back before dark in the afternoon!

Everyone waited until 8.9 o'clock in the evening and still did not come back.

Lin Xiaran couldn't sit still anymore, she had walked back and forth several times while standing at the gate.

"Brother Xia Ran, sister Xia Jin is definitely fine! Don't worry too much." Xiaoguai said

Lin Xiaran also knew that Lin Xiajin's life would not be in danger, after all, there was room! But he still couldn't help worrying!

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