Little Yunduo was very happy to see the hawthorn tree, and immediately planted the hawthorn tree among a row of fruit trees.

When they obtained the super large green crystal bead, they could be self-sufficient in energy, and the hawthorn tree that had just been planted soon showed signs of blooming, and it would not be long before it would bear fruit.

Little Yunduo is very happy, the more things are planted in the space, the happier he will be.

Xia Jin planned to plant only one of each kind of fruit trees. Self-sufficiency is still no problem, and the rest can be left here.

Weeds have already grown on other lands, but it can be vaguely seen that this land used to be arable land...

There are jujube trees planted around, and the jujube trees on them have been picked up long ago. Lin Xiajin also pulled out a relatively tall jujube tree and planted it in the space.

The Wind Coyotes sniffed the ground, and finally pawed and pawed under the ground...

Lin Xiajin saw the things pulled out by the blast, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect there are sweet potatoes here!"

Lin Xiajin found tools from the space and Xiao Nuo turned over the surrounding land, and sure enough they turned over a lot of sweet potatoes.

Just when the two of them were concentrating on turning over the sweet potatoes, they were very happy to think of having sweet potatoes as an extra meal tonight!

Suddenly, Gale Wolf became alert. A man crawled out of the ditch on the other side and touched their motorcycle.

They just saw that there was no one around, and they didn't think that there would be other people here, so they relaxed their vigilance.

Unexpectedly, the man just turned the motorcycle and drove away!

Lin Xiajin didn't react until she heard the sound of the motorcycle, and when she got up, the man had already rushed out with their motorcycle.

"Someone actually stole the car!" Lin Xiajin said in shock

The Gale Wolf at the side immediately chased him out. The fast-running Gale Wolf was very fast and very explosive.

There are several motorcycles in Lin Xiajin's space, and she can accept one less, but it can't be wasted! Motorcycles are now non-renewable resources!

The two of them were digging through the sweet potatoes regardless, and immediately went to chase the car thief, but when they were about to chase, Lin Xiajin hurriedly put all the sweet potatoes they dug out into the space.

Two people run faster than a motorcycle! Soon there will be no car shadows!

The Wind Coyotes didn't see it either, but they could still see the paw prints of the Wind Coyotes and the ruts of the motorcycle on the ground.

"Drove to the village." Xiao Nuo said

The two of them soon came to Xinzhuang Village. There was a huge sign at the door, with three big characters Xinzhuang Village written on it.

The signs next to it have all fallen off.

"The ruts are gone here!" Lin Xiajin said when he saw the broken ruts on the ground

"Gaofeng!" Lin Xiajin yelled suddenly, but there was still no response from Blast.

The houses on both sides of Xinzhuang were quiet, and they didn't hear the roar of the zombies, but when they continued to walk inside, they saw the corpses of the zombies on the ground, but they were all fried.

The corpse of the zombie looked like it had been slain for a long time.

There are no zombies, the fruits of various fruit trees outside have been picked, and the motorcycle was stolen just now. Lin Xiajin guessed that there are survivors here! But stealing their motorcycles would be too much!

The two continued to walk inside, and there was a small square in the middle, where Xiao Nuo found the ruts of the motorcycle.

As a girl, she may have a natural intuition, that is the sixth sense, and she seems to feel that someone is staring at them.

"Hailstorm?" Lin Xiajin tried to shout in a low voice.

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