Lin Xiajin exchanged things for a lot of crystal beads, especially colored crystal beads! Lin Xiajin felt that it was not in vain this time, and both parties were very happy.

Before leaving, Lin Xiajin did not forget to ask them to dig a lot of sweet potatoes in the field at the entrance of the village.

They have lived here since they were young, and most likely they will never leave here...

Lin Xiajin also told them that there are traces of people living in Yangma Town not far from here, and the conditions there are at least better than here.

"Thank you sister, but we will not leave here, we are waiting for our parents to pick us up." The younger girl said.

Lin Xiajin felt a little sour all of a sudden, and left with Xiao Nuo without saying anything.

Their parents may never come….

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo left. No one knows the future of this group of children. Whether they can survive in the last days, no one can rely on them, they can only rely on themselves!

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo left, the boys looked at the instant noodles excitedly, they hadn't eaten instant noodles for a long time.

The small shop in their village has long been emptied by them, and there is also food from the village in their cellar, but they don't know how to cook.

For rice, they steam white rice to eat, but they don't know much about noodles.

Simply put, the vegetables and fruit trees grown in their village are still there, without pollution.

"Brother, we can eat instant noodles today!"

"I'm going to light a fire!"

"I'm going to practice firewood!"

The children were very excited. There were 5 bags of instant noodles in a big bag. For Lin Xiajin, she had a lot of space, but for this group of children, it was really delicious.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo walked around Xinzhuang Village, but they didn't continue to dig sweet potatoes in the field. Let these children leave these things.

I don't know if they can survive this winter... sweet potatoes have a long shelf life.

There are still survivors struggling to live in this world!

Lin Xiajin gave Xiao Yunduo a box of colorful crystal beads...

Little Yunduo couldn't mention how happy she was, and happily stocked up the whole box of more than 10 colorful crystal beads.

Absorbed it all in one breath, and then the little cloud was full of colors, and then floated on the apple tree and turned into a colorful apple motionless!

Xiao Yunduo sent a piece of information to Lin Xiajin, because it took a while to evolve because it absorbed too much.

Lin Xiajin is both happy and worried, how long does it take to evolve? If I had known earlier, she would have given them one by one.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change...

Recently, Xiao Yunduo retreated, and no one took the doll with her in the space. I'm afraid she won't be able to go out for a while.

On the way back, Xiao BuDian cried in the space, and Gale Wolf could only look around, and it couldn't help much.

Lin Xiajin had no choice but to put on a slightly thicker one-piece suit for Xiao Baozi, wipe Xiao Baozi's buttocks just after pulling his poop, and carried the baby out.

Because Xiao Nuo was carrying the little bun, Xiao Nuo didn't ride the motorcycle too fast. It was almost 7 o'clock when he went back, and it was almost dark.

Just in time for the meal, Lin Xiajin took out some of the sweet potatoes that he dug up today, and he can save them for another meal tomorrow!

"Xia Jin, that Ding Min came to look for you today, I'm afraid he wants you to help again." Lin Xiaran said.

"Help... I'm afraid I won't be able to go out for a few days." Lin Xiajin said with some distress.

In fact, she can also leave the child at home and ask her brother to help with the little bun, and then she is going out, but the brother still has his own things to do, so he can't help her with the baby every day, right?

The most important thing is that it is safer to put it in space, and Lin Xiajin can always watch it!

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