Wang Han was fixing the generator, he said helplessly: "Many people have added a lot of circuits, so our power will increase at night."

Xiao Nuo knew that there were two generators in Lin Xiajin's space, one with high power and one with low power, the one with low power was used in the space.

Even if the one with the higher power comes out, more people will come to add wires by then.

"I'll tell them tomorrow that the electricity will be cut off at night!" Zhang Yuan said.

"That's not the way." Xiao Nuo said with a frown.

"I have a solution, but I need a transformer! I can change the generator and limit the voltage!" Wang Han said.

"Brother Han, you know a lot!" Ding Yunxuan said.

In fact, Ding Yunxuan is similar to Wang Han, but after getting along for such a long time, Wang Han is really proficient in machine maintenance, so calling him Brother Han is also an honorary title.

It's like Wang Han and Zhang Yuan are called Xiao Nuo! In fact, they were within a few months.

But Xiao Nuo's real age was also estimated by him.

"We'll separate two lines at that time, let's limit the pressure for them and increase the power!" Wang Han said.

"This method is good!" Ding Yunxuan said.

But there is a solution, that is, we have to find a way to get the transformer.

"I'll look for the transformer tomorrow from the high voltage on the road to see if it can be used," Wang Han said.

"Let me go with you!" Ding Yunxuan said, by the way, he followed Wang Han to have a look, learn from....

"Okay!" Wang Han did not refuse.

There are not many families with generators in Yangma Town, except for Lin Xiajin and Xiao Yuan, those soldiers in the field army, they have walking generators in their cars.

There are also generators that other people use large trucks to find. After all, Yangma Town still has electricity for half of the night.

It seems that the pyrotechnics of human beings have been restored here....

Zhou Yingying and Zhang Yuan decided to live together after spending a few days together...

Xin Li watched Zhou Yingying pack her things and prepare to move to Zhang Yuan's room. She made fun of Zhou Yingying while helping her pack her things.

"Is this how to live a shameless life?" Xin Li said.

"Xin Li!" Zhou Yingying blushed. In fact, she hadn't planned to live with Zhang Yuan, but everyone was there at ordinary times. It was a bit embarrassing for the two of them to make out, so they just shared a room together.

In this way, Xin Li and Ding Yunxuan will live in a room alone.

"Haha... Then you have to pay attention, maybe there will be a baby." Xin Li said, looking at Zhou Yingying's belly.

"What are you talking about! I don't want a child yet! We are all on guard!" Zhou Yingying said with a slightly red face.

"The safety period is sometimes inaccurate~" Xin Li reminded.

"Then...then there is nothing to do..." Zhou Yingying was also a little worried about this matter.

"Go and ask Xia Jinna if there is any TT?" Xin Li said.

Lin Xiajin Space has collected a lot of things from supermarkets, TT should have them, and the shelf life of these things is very long, at least 5.6 years.

"..." Zhou Yingying felt embarrassed but didn't want to have a baby, so she decided to go!

"Cough, I'll go find her for some..." Zhou Yingying said with a slightly embarrassed face.

Now the few remaining bachelors of them seem to have no intention of dating. Although Xin Li still likes Lin Xiaran, she understands that Lin Xiaran will not be with her.

No matter how hard she tried, it was useless. After realizing this, Xin Li resolutely gave up.

Although I gave up, I still have Lin Xiaran in my heart...

This week has been very fulfilling, the little bun is almost three months old, now he will turn over and Gu Yong, the little guy can't leave people

Lin Xiajin checks the space every day to see when Little Yunduo will be upgraded, but it is still motionless like a colorful apple...

"Hey, it's great to have little Yunduo with a baby!" Lin Xiajin couldn't help but said.

Finally, after a week, Little Yunduo finished upgrading...

"Squeak..." The colorful apple in the space made a sound, and then the apple instantly transformed into a child in his teens.

The hair is all colorful, but the child has no gender... .

"Master~ I have upgraded." A lovely voice came from the space.

Lin Xiajin received it right away, and was very excited to bring the little bun to the space.

In the past, Xiao Yunduo could not speak and could only send a message to Lin Xiajin, but after the upgrade this time, Xiao Yunduo could speak.

Because Xiao Yunduo comes from space, and this space belongs to Lin Xiajin, it has recognized Lin Xiajin as its master since the day it was born, or to put it another way, Lin Xiajin created it...

"I can talk..." Lin Xiajin said excitedly.

Xiao Baozi danced and danced with excitement, besides Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo, Xiao Yunduo was the closest to him.

When Xiao Baozi saw Xiao Yunduo, he immediately became excited.

"Yes, the colorful crystal beads my master gave me gave me five senses." Xiao Yunduo said.

It used to be without senses, without taste, smell, hearing, sight... .

This time it underwent a qualitative change after it was absorbed all at once...

"Don't call me master, just call me sister." Lin Xiajin said softly.

For her, Little Yunduo was created by her alone, which is equivalent to her child...

"Well, sister..." Xiao Yunduo said.

Although it has feelings in this upgrade, its emotions are not yet complete, but she is naturally dependent on Lin Xiajin, and so is Xiao Baozi, who has half of Lin Xiajin's blood.

"Little Baozi misses me." Xiao Yunduo said.

"..." Lin Xiajin looked at Xiao Baozi, and she danced happily.

"Hmm! It should be." Lin Xiajin looked at Xiao Baozi so excitedly.

So he handed Xiao Baozi to Xiao Yunduo, and Xiao Baozi climbed on his legs immediately.

Although Xiao Yunduo has upgraded, she still cannot live without space.

Lin Xiajin also breathed a sigh of relief, now that someone is helping to take care of the baby, she can go out again.

But little Yunduo is her solid backing for raising the baby! If there is no space, she doesn't even think about whether the child will survive safely, so many crises...

Floods, high temperatures, plane crashes...,

But now that she is safe, she also needs to improve her strength and stockpile supplies, so she needs to go out again. Without Xiao Yunduo, she might not be able to stay busy at all, and she doesn't have so much free time.

So God gave her such good conditions, even so, she still feels that it is very worrying to bring a baby these days! This also has the help of Xiao Nuo.

So Lin Xiajin couldn't believe what she could do without these? Thinking that Zhu Jingjing is also pregnant, I hope this is a decision I don't regret! But it's safe in Yangma Town now!

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