The rabbits in their yard can't grow up, and they can be raised again...

It's just that they didn't catch sheep or the like, otherwise they could still eat mutton.

After eating and drinking enough, Ding Yunxuan and the men stayed to wash the dishes, while Lin Xiajin went back to the second floor and carried the little bun out of the space...

After changing the little bun into clean clothes, the next morning, the little bun kept twisting his body.

Only then did Lin Xiajin realize that Xiao Baozi had a small rash on his arms and back...

"Is this an allergy?" Lin Xiajin asked worriedly.

"Shall I ask Zhu Jingjing to come over and take a look?" Xiao Nuo immediately worried when he saw the rash on the child's body.

Lin Xiajin frowned, thinking that Zhu Jingjing was pregnant now, and said, "It's okay! I'll take out the space water and wipe Xiao Baozi's body!"

Little Baozi seems to have never taken a bath since he was born.

"Why don't we go into the space and give the little bun a bath and see what happens?" Lin Xiajin said.


"But aren't you going to participate in the competition today?" Xiao Nuo reminded Lin Xiajin.

"Then don't participate!"

Of course it is important for the baby to go to the competition, and she may not be able to win if she goes today!

But that's not sure, if it's just a fight, Lin Xiajin is not afraid of anyone!

Her strength directly crushes everyone!

Lin Xiajin found a bathtub from the space and filled it with space water.

"So soaking in space water should be fine, right?" Lin Xiajin said nervously.

Spatial water has a healing function, and it also has the effect of helping to break through the bottleneck. Of course, only Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo know about these, and she has no intention of telling others.

It doesn't matter if she is selfish, people don't do it for themselves! She is also keeping a back hand for herself!

The last way out is always only yourself!

"Sister, just add a quarter of the spring water to the little bun and add hot water to it." Xiao Yunduo said.

Xiao Yunduo is the spirit of space, she can't understand the effect of all things in space.

"If it's too thick, the little bun will feel uncomfortable, and you need to find a gradual way."

Lin Xiajin nodded, smiled and said to Xiao Yunduo: "Your words are getting better and better now!"

Xiao Yunduo likes to read computers and books when he is free, so he learns very quickly.

"I'll go to Yancheng in two days to find some books for you!" Lin Xiajin promised.

Little Yunduo nodded excitedly, she needs to read and study now, this is what she is most excited about and loves the most.

Xiao Nuo at the side poured water on the little bun, and put the little bun in the water basin.

The little guy was still a little unaccustomed to it. He frowned and cried a few times, and then a small head was exposed before getting into the water.

The small head was supported by Xiao Nuo with his big hands.

After a while, the little guy changed from frowning to stretching, and his two calves kicked happily, very happy.

It's been more than an hour since I took a bath for Xiao Baozi, and sure enough, there was spring water in the bath, and the rash on Xiao Baozi's body went away quickly...

Lin Xiajin made milk for Xiao Baozi when she heard someone calling her outside the space.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo went out of space...

It was Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yingying outside the room...?

"Xia Jin, why aren't you going to the game today?" Zhou Yingying said.

In fact, Lin Xiajin already wanted to give up, and yesterday was actually a whim.

"That square is so lively, let's go and have a look!" Zhou Yingying said.


Even if you don't compare, it's good to see other people's abilities.

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