Ding Min is a believer, otherwise she would not have chosen the profession of police, but today she left others for Xiao Yuan, this is fate!

The wound on Xiao Yuan's back was bleeding, and he knew that even if he survived, there was a high chance that he would mutate.

"Let's go! Leave me alone." Xiao Yuan said in Ding Min's ear. In fact, he didn't want to die. Who wants to die if he can survive?

But when he knew that he was almost doomed, it seemed that he was unwilling to struggle anymore. Maybe he had a second choice, which was to drag Ding Min to die together, so that he would not be alone on the road to Huangquan...

Seeing that the zombies behind them were about to chase after them, fortunately Ding Min and Xiao Yuan still had stealth skills.

But the zombies just circled around in place and had no intention of leaving.

Ding Min's forehead is sweating more and more... and the energy consumption is too fast, because her energy needs to wrap one more Xiao Yuan.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yuan gritted his teeth and got up from Ding Min's back and pushed Ding Min away!

"No!" Ding Min felt his weight lighten and his body was pushed away.

The moment Xiao Yuan left Ding Min, his body was revealed. This zombie's eyes are very sensitive. Because it has three heads, it can observe 360 ​​degrees.

Although Xiao Yuan was injured, his powers were still there, and he frantically controlled the dagger to attack the zombies, even if he was about to die, he had to fight to the death!

"Go!" Xiao Yuan said

Ding Min still didn't leave but came out of the invisible, and attacked the zombies....

Xiao Yuan felt his body go numb, and he didn't know if he was going to become a zombie, so he directly used his big move!

Controlling the car stopped Ding Min, but this time also consumed his energy. The bigger the object he controlled, the more energy he would consume. Besides, his ability was consumed faster than others!

The zombie rushed towards Xiao Yuan, and Xiao Yuan saw the deep hole next to him out of the corner of his eye! The moment the zombies rushed towards him, he also fell into the deep hole with the zombies!

"Xiao Yuan!" Ding Min yelled, and then ran to the deep hole, the darkness made no sound....

Ding Min still yelled a few times toward the entrance of the cave, but there was no echo, and the silence was terrifying.

Ding Min looked at the deep hole. Although she would not give up on Xiao Yuan and liked Xiao Yuan, she was still scared when she looked at this deep hole!

She didn't dare to jump down, so she could only squat beside the deep hole and cry silently!

Xiao Yuan!

She didn't vent, she blamed all this on Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo, if they hadn't escaped so fast, Xiao Yuan might not have died!

People tend to ignore what they do, she was the one who took Xiao Yuan to escape first, the two groups of people fled in different directions, but the zombies did not chase Lin Xiajin in the direction of escape!

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo on the other side thought they had escaped the zombie's pursuit. If the zombie really came after them and they couldn't beat them, Lin Xiajin would immediately take Xiao Nuo into the space.

It's still important to save your life.

"The zombies didn't come after us!" Lin Xiajin said with a sigh of relief.

They ran for two streets in one breath, and there were no zombies on the side of the street, only thick black soil on the road...

Lin Xiajin knew that the black soil was probably the ashes left by the high-temperature cremation of the zombies.

What kind of energy is there to be able to do such a thing, Lin Xiajin really can't imagine.

"Let's go to the residential building to have a look." Lin Xiajin said.

Xiao Nuo nodded, she knew what Lin Xiajin meant, and also wanted to go to the residential building to check.

There are no zombies in the residential building...

"No, not at all." Lin Xiajin said in surprise.

Not a single zombie was found, except for the three-headed and six-armed zombie they saw.

Nothing in the house showed signs of damage, but a thick layer of cobwebs formed in the corners that had been left unoccupied for a long time.

They continued walking on the street, trying to find some clues, but found nothing.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiajin asked when Xiao Nuo stopped suddenly, thinking that Xiao Nuo had discovered something.

"Do you feel that walking is heavy?"

Xiao Nuo frowned and said in a low voice.

Walk heavy? Xiao Nuo suddenly thought that Lin Xiajin was a power system user, so he couldn't feel it.

"The gravity here is different, walking here is like something is tied to your legs." Xiao Nuo explained.

At the beginning, it only felt like a few kilograms, but now it suddenly weighed dozens of kilograms on my legs, and it was very heavy to walk.

Taking a step wastes a lot of energy.

Lin Xiajin shook her head, she didn't feel anything, it might be because of her strength.

"I remember that there are people in Yangma Town who have similar abilities." Lin Xiajin said, but the range of the released gravity is very small, and the released gravity has no effect on him.

The two continued to walk forward, Lin Xiajin walked without any problem, but Xiao Nuo became more and more strenuous, and his brows were covered with sweat.

Walking like this was very slow, Lin Xiajin directly grabbed Xiao Nuo and picked him up...


Xiao Nuo's feeling of being picked up by Lin Xiajin disappeared again, and when he came down, he would lose weight again...

"I'll carry you!" Lin Xiajin said indifferently, otherwise Xiao Nuo would have walked too slowly.

Xiao Nuo felt somewhat embarrassed, because from the outside, Xiao Nuo's tall man of around 1.8 meters was carried by a woman who was over 160.

Like a thin girl forcefully carrying a grown man on her back.

"Xiao Nuo, look at the cars and trash cans around Zhou Zhou." Lin Xiajin said.

The surrounding cars were crushed and deformed, as were the trash cans. Lin Xiajin had a Coke can blocking her way as she walked.

Lin Xiajin didn't take it seriously either, and kicked the jar away...

How heavy is this jar? Because he was kicking a can, Lin Xiajin could kick the can away with all his strength, but he didn't expect that kicking a small can was like kicking the weight of a car.

"It's strange." Lin Xiajin said with a frown.

"The magnetic field has changed here!" Xiao Nuo felt that the magnetic field in this street is much stronger, and the Thunder Element is still very sensitive to the magnetic field.

The gravity is dozens of times that of other places!

"Xiao Nuo, you can't get off my back." Lin Xiajin realized a very serious problem.

Because of the weightlessness here, if Xiao Nuo came down, he might be stuck to the ground in an instant, causing serious injuries.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, wife!" Xiao Nuo nodded, approaching Lin Xiajin and said with a smile in your ear.

The warm breath of speaking made Lin Xiajin itchy!

This guy blatantly ate her tofu!

"We have to get out of this area, otherwise even if we enter the space, we will still stay where we are when we come out." Lin Xiajin said.

The two continued to walk towards the street. Lin Xiajin didn't feel it at first, but after walking a street, she also felt the weight under her feet.

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