Everyone had no objection to Lin Xiajin's words, so they divided the food into equal portions.

"There's not enough food, we can still go fishing." Xin Li said.

"The dried fish we dried before was enough for us to eat for half a month, and it would be no problem to add these foods for more than a month." Lin Xiaran said.

Everyone else nodded, and this is the only way to go now...

But Lin Xiajin said that the space upgrade may take three months, and there is no problem with their current food for a month.

But after a month, they also need to find a way.

"Xia Jin, how can you speed up your space upgrade? For example, absorb more crystal beads?" Zhou Yingying asked.

If Lin Xiajin's space can be upgraded quickly, they don't have to be so nervous.

"No..." Lin Xiajin shook his head and gave an affirmative answer.

"Okay!" Zhou Yingying sighed.

At night, Zhou Yingying and Zhang Yuan were lying on the bed...

"Zhang Yuan, do we rely too much on Xia Jin's space? In the past, we didn't worry about food when Xia Jin was here." Zhou Yingying said.

That's right, because Lin Xiajin's space can still be planted, they didn't worry about food.

But this time Lin Xiajin's space upgrade is likely to take two or three months, but their current food can't last for two or three months!

What will happen to them if everyone is short of food?

"If we don't have any food, what if they come to borrow it?" Zhou Yingying thought suddenly.

Zhang Yuan seemed to know what Zhou Yingying was thinking. He said, "Didn't Lin Xiajin be there when we encountered the great flood? Didn't we also survive?"

"Hmm..." Zhou Yingying nodded. At that time, they didn't have enough food for a day, and sometimes they were so hungry that they couldn't sleep at night.

"Don't think too much! The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!" Zhang Yuan flicked Zhou Yingying's head lightly.

"You dare to hit me!" Zhou Yingying pretended to be angry, and the two were arguing again and again.

On the other side, Wang Han also held a lot of things in his hand, and said, "This is what Brother Xiao gave us just now."

"Yeah!" Dean turned around in Zhu Jingjing's gratitude.

"I'm fine! But you can't save food! Eat when you're hungry! We can go fishing if we don't have food!" Wang Han said, stroking Zhu Jingjing's head.

"Should I not be pregnant?" Zhu Jingjing sighed. Pregnancy is too difficult. It is this society that makes it more difficult for pregnant people.

"No! This is not something that should be done, it's my fault!" Wang Han said in a deep voice.

Zhu Jingjing shook her head and said, "I'm a little scared."

"Don't be afraid! I will always be here!" Wang Han put his arms around Zhu Jingjing, and the two relied on each other, hoping to give birth to a child safely in the last days...

Lin Xiajin hid the milk powder under the cabinet. The space is likely to be upgraded for more than a month, and the baby's rations cannot be cut off.

"The vegetables in the yard don't grow very much in the cold weather. If you want food, you need to go fishing!" Xiao Nuo said.

"Yeah!" Lin Xiajin nodded.

"I thought it would take a week to upgrade the space, but I didn't expect it to take so long!" Lin Xiajin said.

On the other hand, the relationship between Zhao Rui and Ding Yunxuan seems to have become less harmonious, mainly because Ding Yunxuan was less and less affected by interference, and now the interference is almost zero.

But maybe because Zhao Rui couldn't speak, the two of them didn't communicate much.

The fog in Yangma Town in the early morning became more and more serious, and people and animals could not be distinguished within one meter.

The fog is too thick, and it is very dangerous to go fishing at sea...?

And recently Yangma Town has lost a lot of people for no reason.

"Some people just disappeared inexplicably."

"Too strange!"

The missing persons may have something to do with the fog, which caused the residents of Yangma Town to stay at home.

Half a month later, there was almost nothing left of the food they stored, and what Lin Xiajin stored here was the baby's milk powder, which they couldn't give to others.

So they used the rabbits they had bred to roast and eat.

After half a month, Zhao Rui's voice has improved, and she can speak a word or two.

in a small alley

"Where's the food?" a man asked.

Zhao Rui shook her head, indicating that there was no more food...

"If you don't give it to me, then we will go in and ask for it openly, and tell you that man! How did you sleep with me?"

"No!" Zhao Rui's vocal cords recovered a bit, and she immediately used all her energy to disturb the man.

Sure enough, the man was disturbed and began to hesitate.

"You go back first, and I will find a solution in two days." Zhao Rui said with a hoarse voice, suppressing the discomfort.

Although her throat has improved a lot, as long as she speaks, her throat still hurts and numb...

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you for two days!" Under the influence of Zhao Rui's interference, the man chose to leave temporarily.

Watching the man leave, Zhao Rui breathed a sigh of relief, but her mind was still thinking about how to deal with this man.

At that time, when she went out with Ding Yunxuan, a man saw her and followed her secretly.

Knowing that there is enough food here and vegetables are grown here, he threatens Zhao Rui every day.

Because the two were separated for a few days at that time, the original interference on the man disappeared.

Later, something happened to her throat, and she couldn't interfere with the man, so she had to steal food to solve the trouble.

Zhao Rui clenched her fists tightly. Now that her voice has recovered more than half, she must stay here.

The environment here, including Ding Yunxuan, is much better. Her ultimate goal is to interfere with Lin Xiajin, so that she will give her all the things in her space willingly!

A month later, Lin Xiajin's space upgrade is coming to an end, and I am afraid that there are still three or four days before the space upgrade will be completed.

But the food is almost consumed...

"I'm going fishing with Wang Han and the others today!" Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

The fog will only dissipate at noon, and it will rise again at three or four in the afternoon, so there is only two or three hours.

The order in Yangma Town is chaotic, and many people are robbing food. Now they have to protect themselves.

"Be careful!" Lin Xiajin exhorted holding the little bun.


The three men were all ready to go fishing, it was December and it was cold, and they all needed to wear thick clothes inside the house!

Xiao Baozi also wears a thick jumpsuit and a small thin hat.

The generator is also only able to maintain daily power….

"Let's cut off the other cuts of the generator! In this way, we can increase the power and turn on the air conditioner to keep warm." Xin Li said.

"I feel clammy and cold when I sleep at night. If this continues, I will get rheumatism." Zhou Yingying said.

"We'll cut it when Wang Han comes back!" Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

They won't do it even if they want to

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