In a hidden space on the suspension bridge….

"Indigenous Human 13250 found."

"I didn't expect that there would be so many survivors in this area. Now our mission is almost completed."

Gather the remaining survivors of the planet and take them back as captives.

"These indigenous humans are destroying this planet so much, this planet is the lowest value planet I have ever seen."

"That's right, the launch of the Sun series virus caused 80% of the humans on this planet to become zombies."

The more garbage the planet is, the more the sun series viruses are released, the more mutated zombies will be.

"80% of the zombies are enough for us to cultivate more advanced power crystals."

"Wait until these remaining indigenous humans are taken away, continue to be released, and reformed in animal bodies, there will be records to produce animal body crystals!"

"It is to find such a planet with more severe environmental damage, so that so many zombies can be produced, and more advanced power crystals can be produced!"

"This planet is much more advanced than we expected, and it can infect 80% of human beings!"

Some planets have the highest interference rate of 70%.

"Okay, stop chatting, and get ready to capture this garbage!" said a person wearing a blue system.



Yangma Town was surrounded by a layer of transparent magnetic field, and the heavy snow gradually stopped...

Suddenly, a sound came from the entire Yangma Town, like a 360-degree surround sound, ringing in everyone's ears.

"Hello, survivors of Blue Star..."

The sudden sound frightened everyone...

The sound seemed to fill the ears, the heavy snow stopped, and everyone ran out looking for the sound, and a huge energy shield enveloped them all inside.

Waves of energy fluctuate, and there is a huge projection on it, which is a man in a blue uniform.

I don't know why Lin Xiajin felt that the man who cast the image was very strong...

"Is it an alien?"

"How is it possible? How can there be aliens?"

"Are we invaded by aliens?"

But their planet has opened up satellites, and even reached the moon, and there is no trace of aliens at all. How could aliens suddenly appear.

Although in their history, it is also possible to find that aliens have visited their planet, but there is not enough evidence.

Now that the real aliens descended suddenly, they were extremely flustered.

Moreover, this alien does not have any strange shape, but has two eyes, one nose, and one mouth just like them.

Many people in Yangma Town were a little flustered, and some even took to the streets, but they could only see the video but not the spaceship.

"Could it be some strange ability, tricking us?"

Some people made various guesses.

"This planet already belongs to our place of origin, so you survivors must become our slaves!"

"Of course, as long as we have people with talents and abilities, those who don't have talents and abilities can only be regarded as waste products."

The waste can only be sent to the zombies, become a member of the zombies, and become the crystallization of their abilities.



Some ordinary people are terrified, and the supernatural beings are also terrified...

"What's the situation? Are aliens really invading us?"

"So we're not Resident Evil, but Star Wars?" Xin Li asked in surprise.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, because facing the aliens felt very confused and seemed far away.

But zombies can appear, and the appearance of aliens seems to be nothing.

Lin Xiajin suddenly figured out what those big pits in Yancheng were, obviously they couldn't be caused by Blue Star's technology.

The zombies disappeared overnight, it was these aliens who did it.

terrible! Is it really the last days of real human beings? Being a slave is more terrifying than surviving!

To die with dignity, or to live without dignity? How to choose? I believe most of the options are the latter.

Lin Xiajin was no exception. , there is hope in life! Slaves can still turn themselves into landlords!

"Now all of you! Get out of the house! Listen to our arrangement, or die!"

"Don't doubt what I said! You are nothing but ants to us!"

At this moment, a huge deep hole appeared in the sky, as if walking through it could suck people in.

It's a pity that no one dares to be the first person!

"What should we do? Should we go out?" Xin Li said nervously.

"Wang Han, I'm so scared!" Zhu Jingjing was really scared at the moment, because she was pregnant and was about to give birth in a few months.

"Don't be afraid!" Wang Han grabbed Zhu Jingjing's hand, giving her a sense of security.

Lin Xiajin was hesitating whether to hide in the space with Xiao Nuo, or to go in and have a look.

"I'm afraid the entire planet is under the control of aliens." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

Although everyone really doesn't want to admit it, it's probably true now, but there are also some unbelievers!

Mere aliens, they are all supernatural beings, why are they afraid of these people?

Lin Xiajin has seen and been to Yancheng, and knows that it was written by aliens! Millions of zombies disappeared overnight...


"Damn! What aliens! Want to slave me, dreaming!"

There is a man who is not convinced, he is a wind-type superpower, he condenses a tornado and attacks towards the sky...

But without even touching the energy shield, it was dissipated without a trace.

"Death to those who resist!"

A thin light shot down from the sky, like a laser pointer, hitting the man's head.


The man's head exploded, bloody and bloody...

The few people standing beside the man had their faces spattered with blood and brains.

This image is a real-time headshot, and almost everyone can see it.

"What was that just now? I didn't even see clearly, that person's head was blown off!"

It's really terrible!

Killing chickens to warn monkeys, as expected, seeing this, some of them chose to leave the room.

Those who did not leave the room were shot one by one, and their images were projected in the sky.

"Let's go out quickly!" Zhao Rui said.

Many people went out with them, maybe partly because of curiosity, there are really aliens in this world, this makes playing a few rounds even more curious!

Many people took the initiative to come out.

"Ninety-five percent of the people came out."

"Shoot and kill the ones that don't come out, there's no need to waste time." The man said mercilessly.



These people are nothing but ants. The death of a few people will not affect them. Even the death of a whole planet will not affect them.

"Turn on the black hole attraction and enter the slave cabin!" the man issued an order.


Lin Xiajin came out following Xiao Nuo, but for safety's sake, Lin Xiajin put the child into the space.

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