Lin Xiajin looked up at the sun, it turned out to be a semicircular sun!

Lin Xiajin has only seen a semicircular moon, but never a semicircular sun!


This planet has no moon, and it will be dark at night, and the area is much smaller!

They found that this planet, with a year-round temperature of more than 20 degrees and no glaciers or volcanoes, is a very suitable place to breed dinosaurs.

Of course, there are also indigenous people living here, they have no talent! But the body is different from ordinary people! Everyone is born with supernatural powers!

I was really hungry after walking for a day, and the two of them found a big rock and went underground!

After finding some dry firewood and leaves, Xiao Nuo burst into flames with lightning.

I can only eat some grilled snake gall...

"Although there is no salt, I found this..." Xiao Nuo said with pepper in his hand.

Snake gall smells particularly fishy, ​​but the roasted ones are pretty good!

"I don't know how to get rid of the bracelet on my hand." Lin Xiajin frowned and sighed.

"There will be a way!" Xiao Nuo said calmly.


After the two are full, there is no moon at night, so at night, the sky will become extremely dark...

There is no moonlight shining, but the sky is full of stars and the sea... twinkling and twinkling is very beautiful.

When I was in Blue Star, I never saw so many stars...

The night here may be because there is no moonlight, so the animals will become quiet at night...

But the sound of the wind blowing is also heard from time to time.

The two of them can only hide and sleep in a big tree. There are leaves on the tree, which is relatively safe...

The place where they were was at the junction of the plain and the forest, they were drowsy in sleep, Lin Xiajin was gently pinched on the face by Xiao Nuo.

"Xia Jin wake up..." Xiao Nuo gently patted Lin Xiajin's face and said.

"What's wrong!" Lin Xiajin immediately woke up, thinking that she had discovered a dinosaur.

"Look ahead..." Xiao Nuo pointed to the plain not far away...

That is, firelight!

There is fire, is there someone else?

"Shall we go over and have a look? Or stay where we are?" Lin Xiajin asked.

"Go over and have a look, we just came to this place, we need to get familiar with it as soon as possible." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

Compared with Xiao Nuo, Lin Xiajin has much more experience in this field!

"Okay!" Lin Xiajin also agreed with Xiao Nuo's idea.

The two people got down from the big tree, and the surrounding area was pitch black. They could only slowly start towards the place where the fire was lit...

The distance from the firelight is very close, because they can see it far away from the big tree, but when they come down and walk over it, it will be far away....

Walking on the grassland was quite uncomfortable, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo's shoes were already dirty, and Xiao Nuo was even more pitiful, there was a small hole in the shoe~

Fortunately, both of them are wearing comfortable sneakers. Otherwise, walking on the forest and grassland wearing flat shoes, I am afraid that the pain in the feet will be unbearable after walking for a while~

After they got closer, they realized that it was actually a hillside...

A bonfire rose up the hillside, and there were still a few people lying on the grass next to it.

The bonfire is not extinguished at night, because animals are afraid of fire by nature, so the fire attribute is still very useful in this place.

"Those people are... ancient people?" Lin Xiajin said in a low voice.

The two lay on the hillside, carefully observing the people below.

The people lying down were all dressed in animal skin clothes, their hair and beards had grown old, and the shoes they were wearing were also straw sandals...

"No..." Lin Xiajin found that there were traces of wearing bracelets on their hands and necks, and the surrounding area was black, only the places where the bracelets were worn were left white.

It was worn for a long time at first, and then removed.

They are also captured slaves, but they live for a long time, and then they become like this.

Lin Xiajin put her ears on the ground, her hearing has always been good, and the ground also has the effect of sound transmission, so Lin Xiajin can hear clearly...

"Who have arrested another group of people!"

"What the hell are you bastards! We can't leave this damn place now, or we'll have to report them sooner or later!"

"Report them? This is the default law of this world!" Another man said.

"Fortunately, the bracelet was destroyed, otherwise we would still be under their surveillance!"

"Although this bracelet only has a positioning system, but now that the bracelet is destroyed, they assume we are dead."

Hearing this, Lin Xiajin stuck to the ground tightly again. It would be great if he could find a way to untie the bracelet.

But it sounds like it's only a positioning system?

"Fortunately, Simi just discovered the silver stone this time, so he can break this bracelet, or else he can locate us at any time! We will meet dinosaurs everywhere!" Another man said with a frown.

There is a positioning system on their wristbands, as long as they are positioned, which dinosaurs will follow.

"I happened to find out too!" the Simi man said modestly!

Lin Xiajin, who was eavesdropping on the other side, silently remembered this thing called Yinshi, which should sound like a stone.

Silver stone? Or silver steel?

"The rest of us have to find a way to enter their Central Island base!"

"We are not strong enough, and we have few people!"

"Do you want to try to unite the other slaves who were released? Resist together!"

"Resistance? Those people are probably indigenous humans from some small planets, and I'm afraid they won't unite with us."

Lin Xiajin didn't continue to eavesdrop on the rest of their conversation, she got the most useful information so far...

Lin Xiajin signaled Xiao Nuo to leave, the two of them backed out slowly, and then walked a long way with Xiao Nuo, seeing that there was no one around...

Only then did Lin Xiajin say: "I just heard that they are also slaves, but they took off the bracelets themselves!"

"It's something called silverstone that can untie the bracelets on our hands..."

"And this bracelet seems to only have a positioning system!"

Lin Xiajin finished speaking in one breath.

Although this bracelet only has a positioning system, Lin Xiajin didn't dare to take risks. What if she could discover her spatial ability?

So she still decided to go to Yinshi first. When she heard that this thing must be in some cave or mountain, there should be no forest here...

After the two discussed it, it was dawn, so they could only continue walking towards the cave.

"Be careful." Xiao Nuo pointed to the large footprints on the ground and reminded!

Lin Xiajin nodded, and the two walked one after the other. Lin Xiajin picked up a thick tree trunk for self-defense.

"There are bloodstains here, it's still fresh." Xiao Nuo lowered his head and saw the bloodstains on the leaves, which hadn't dried yet.

"It's human blood..." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

"There are people around!" Lin Xiajin frowned, but she didn't find it after looking around, because the surrounding shrubs were very large and her sight was very obstructed.

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