Wood-type supernatural beings on Earth are more precious. These organic vegetables and fruits are cultivated by wood-type supernatural beings... so fresh plants and fruits are expensive, and ordinary families seldom buy them for practical use.

Most of them eat synthetic food, so the main meal here is meat, and the meat here is very cheap...

Milk, bread, chocolate and other snacks are very cheap.

Lin Xiajin bought a lot of these meats! I haven't eaten fresh meat for a long time, like these pork!

"Go back to cook you a big meal at night!" Xiao Nuo said!

"Okay!" Lin Xiajin replied excitedly.

There are also a lot of supplies in the remaining space, so there is no shortage for the time being!

For the rest, they are ready to discuss how to make money!

Lin Xiajin has star coins to buy a large number of power crystals to upgrade...

"We can sell online and deliver in the same city," Lin Xiajin said!

The technology here is advanced, but there is no express delivery industry!

"As long as the price is cheaper than the supermarket! What we sold before was really too cheap!" Lin Xiajin now feels that it was really a blood loss!

She was simply taken advantage of at the time! No wonder so many people came to her to buy fruit at that time!

"En!" Xiao Nuo nodded.

"I'll sell it for a while, and we'll place a limited order after word of mouth spreads! It won't affect your cultivation after it's stabilized!" Lin Xiajin said

She knew that Xiao Nuo could only advance through meditation after reaching level 4, so if she was busy selling fruit, it might disturb Xiao Nuo's cultivation!

"No effect!"

"It really doesn't matter!" Xiao Nuo may have said it twice because he was afraid that Lin Xiajin would not believe it!

It is important to meditate later, but the timing is also very important. No one can persist in practicing every day, combining work and rest!

"Well, anyway, I can't experience the pain of your bottleneck..."

What Lin Xiajin said was true, as long as she eats, she can upgrade after eating a certain amount of energy, but it's a pity that the dinosaur meat is gone.

But Lin Xiajin found that the energy fruit in her space also had the effect of slowly advancing her.

"........." Xiao Nuo pampered Lin Xiajin's head, if this guy told others, they would probably think that Lin Xiajin was in Versailles.

So at night they huddled together in a small house of 60 square meters, and Xiao Nuo had already cooked the meal.

Only then did Lin Xiajin release Xiao Baozi from the space, mainly because Xiao Yunduo was still watching him in the space...

It would be much more convenient if Little Yunduo could come out anytime!

Xiao Baozi sits in the baby chair, and has a special bowl and spoon! Xiao Nuo even tied a scarf on the baby.

Small steamed bun rice is low in oil and salt, but the color match is very beautiful.

"Xiao Nuo, your cooking is really delicious!" Lin Xiajin said with a piece of meat stuffed in his mouth.

Xiao Nuo was also very happy to see Lin Xiajin's satisfied expression.

"I don't know that my brother will be on that planet!" Lin Xiajin felt a little melancholy while eating!

I don't know when we will meet again...

"Don't worry, we will become stronger! We will meet in the future!" Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.


The house they rented was relatively small, with one bedroom and one living room, and Xiao Baozi slept in the same room as her at night.

Little Baozi has already taken a bath and fell asleep lying on the bed, Gale Wolf has slowly recovered in the space, and it won't be long before he can go out of the space for activities.

However, before Haifeng can come out, he still needs to get a pet certificate for him. Humans on this planet can raise all kinds of pets.

She saw some rich people who kept pets like giant pandas.

"You still need to pay 5,000 star coins to open an online store..." Lin Xiajin sighed, this first idea is just in vain?

"It seems that I can only find a place to continue to set up a stall. First save enough money, pay next month's rent and then find a way to open an online store!" Lin Xiajin said.

I never thought that one day I would worry about money!

Xiao Nuo also wants to go out to find a job, but he is not familiar with this place, and now his level 4 supernatural power is a top-notch existence here.

The abilities of the two of them are both at level 1, because they were both imposters when they applied for the certificate.

If he suddenly showed his level 4 abilities, he might be suspected of being a stowaway, and those who were less serious would be sent back to prison.

"We have fruits! We don't have to worry about money here!" Lin Xiajin said.

She went to the mall today and she probably understood the situation...

"Xia Jin, we can go to the mall tomorrow and directly supply your fruits to the mall!" Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

When Lin Xiajin heard it, his eyes lit up and he said, "Xiao Nuo, your brain is really easy to use!"

The two of them were intimate for a while while the little bun was sleeping...

The next day, Xiao Nuo and Lin Xiajin went to the mall to find the manager.

"You two are looking for our manager?" The security guard looked at Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo, neither of them looked like wood-type supernatural beings.

Sure enough, there are such people who step on the high and hold the low

"Yes! We want to supply fruit to your mall." Lin Xiajin said.

"Give us fruits? Do you know that all our fruits and vegetables are provided by level 3 wood-type supernatural beings?" the security guard said contemptuously.

Lin Xiajin didn't want to talk to this low-minded person, he said, "Where is the manager's office?"

"People outside the office area should not come close."

Lin Xiajin was furious looking at the security guard who looked down on people with dog eyes.

"Let's go! We're not here anymore!" Lin Xiajin pulled Xiao Nuo and said.

"This guy really looks down on people!" Lin Xiajin scolded as he walked!

Before leaving, Xiao Nuo specially gave this guy a little lesson, and at this moment the security guard felt numb all over...

"I want to use my ability to go in and steal money!" Lin Xiajin said, her teleportation skill can go in without anyone noticing.

... It's fine to steal the money, she can get in after all.

Lin Xiajin asked Xiao Nuo to play in the square with the baby in her arms, while she went directly into the office area.

The bag in his hand is a bag of apples. There are too many apples. The apple trees were the first to be planted, and the yield is high!

So the space warehouse area has a bunch of….

Lin Xiajin went directly to the manager's office...


"Come in." Hearing the voice was a girl, Lin Xiajin thought it was a female secretary or something, but she didn't expect it to be a very young looking woman.

But the appearance is no different from that of a 20-year-old girl. On this planet, the appearance cannot tell the age.

Due to the advancement of science and technology and supernatural powers, the human life limit has already exceeded a hundred years old.

"You are?" The woman frowned slightly. Seeing Lin Xiajin, who she didn't know, she didn't feel embarrassed immediately. After all, she must have known someone who could enter the office area.

"Hello, I'm Lin Xiajin! A little care is not enough to pay respect." Lin Xiajin said and put the plastic bag on the table.

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