Lin Xiajin played with Xiaobaozi for a while, then looked at Haifeng...

Gale will absorb 3 gold-type power crystals every day at the end.

"Little Yunduo, it's a pity that I didn't find any colored crystal beads here, otherwise I would have bought them for you to absorb." Lin Xiajin said.

"It's okay! Now every time the space is upgraded, I will get corresponding benefits!" Xiao Yunduo said.

Lin Xiajin nodded, the space is getting better and better, all aspects are very tidy, and the space is also divided into many small spaces for storing things and so on.

This is really thanks to Xiao Yunduo.

According to the news, the situation in Xingyao City is very serious, and the entrance of Shayao City is also being blocked.

Lin Xiajin's online store will disappear in seconds as soon as the fruit is online!

Lin Xiajin looked at the comments on the fruit she bought in the store, but there were no comments, and Lin Xiajin found that the fruits that bought her were regular customers.

the other end of the network cable.

"I got it! I got it!" A man stood in front of the tablet and said excitedly.

"I didn't grab it, and my husband is so fast!" Another woman said excitedly.

"The energy of the fruits in this store is comparable to those big-name fruits, and even surpasses the fruits produced by the third-level wood system! The price ratio is super high!"

"It's a pity that there are only limited sales every day!"

"The energy contained in this fruit is much more cost-effective than buying power crystals. Our son will be 6 years old this year to activate his powers! Eating these energy fruits is very good for our son!"

Although there is no shortage of food on the escaped planet, all meat is produced by hormones. It has no nutrition but will not harm the human body. It is just full.

For example, the rich and powerful people in Diyao City, the food they eat is transported from the stars, which not only has nutrition but also energy.

There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor on their planet! The richer you are, the more resources you get, and the better it is to cultivate the next generation!

The poorer the people are, the poorer they are, the more ordinary the next generation will be.

That's what society is all about.

"Fortunately, not many people know about this shop!"

Not many people have to sit in front of a tablet computer to snap up every day. If there are many people who know about it, I'm afraid it won't be their turn to grab it!

Lin Xiajin on the other side is packing the goods, and those sold today will be sent out directly today.

It is estimated that they will be able to receive fresh fruit in the afternoon...

"It's been a mess outside recently!" Xiao Nuo just came back from the outside, and bought some food in his hand.

"Xingyao City is probably out of control now, and the food in the shopping malls in the city is almost sold out." Xiao Nuo said.

"Xingyao City has a population of hundreds of millions, so it can't be controlled!" Lin Xiajin frowned slightly.

"Hmm! This virus is strange!" Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

"You think so too?" Lin Xiajin said.

This virus is more like man-made, maybe like their planet! But what is the purpose of making this virus, they don't know.

"Don't go out for the time being." Xiao Nuo instructed.

"Hmm!" Lin Xiajin responded.

They didn't go out for two days. On the second day, the neighbor next to him was taken away by an ambulance in full gear, and more than 3,000 residents in the entire building were sealed off.

"Why don't you let us go out!"

"I'm going out to pick up the kids!"

"Yeah! What's the matter with sealing us?"

The entire building was blocked by a laser light curtain. Most of the people in this building were first-level supernatural beings, and the light curtain was at least level 3 before they could rush out.

There is no official announcement, but their building is strictly sealed off...

"I heard that a family on the 6th floor came from Xingyao City and was found!"

"It's that household, so wicked! This is not sending the virus to the doorstep!"

There are a total of more than 10 households on the 6th floor, and now the people on the 6th floor are even more reluctant to leave their homes!

At the beginning, everyone just complained a few words and did not really resist. They only hoped that the ban would be lifted in a few days.

Although Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo are locked in the room, it doesn't prevent them from entering the space, but they can't sell fruit either.

"Oops! I ran into that neighbor two days ago, and wondered how she bought so much food."

Lin Xiajin feels weird thinking about it now...?

"I won't be infected, right? It's mainly the children..." Lin Xiajin said with some fear.

"No! Whoever infects you will not be infected!" Xiao Nuo said calmly.

Lin Xiajin's cell division, and even the powerful virus may not be able to enter the epidermis and be dried to death by Lin Xiajin's cells!


"How about we bubble spring water in the space together? Space spring water has a healing effect!"

Lin Xiajin said.

"Okay!" Xiao Nuo replied.

The two entered the space and soaked in the spring water for a while. When they came out of the space, they heard someone knocking on the door.

One week, they stayed in the room for a whole week, and many people in this building have already started to get sick?

The onset is that the whole body falls off white dander, and then it will be shattered into powder as soon as you walk around, floating in the air.

Then in the middle stage of the disease, the whole body turns white, and large pieces of dander fall off, and the skin of the whole body slowly becomes hard, just like the skin of a crocodile.

The whole body is long, and every piece of skin of the body is not spared!

However, the official data is still accurate. After being infected by this virus, the mortality rate is only 20%, and most of the dead are elderly people.

But this virus spreads fast. Once infected with this virus, no matter how powerful you are, you will be infected.

In the late stage of infection, all the hair of the human body will be molted, and gradually you will not be able to speak, but if you are conscious, your limbs will also dry up... turning into a monster that is neither human nor ghost!

Moreover, such people will become irritable and want to take revenge on society!

"Knock button!" There was a knock on the door of Lin Xiajin's room.

For safety's sake, Lin Xiajin didn't take the little bun out, but kept it in the space.

"Who?" Lin Xiajin frowned.

"Well, I'm a neighbor from the left household who lives next to you, can you lend me some food! I'll pay you back double when the lockdown is lifted!"

Lin Xiajin saw a layer of white dust floating outside the corridor through the video.

These whites are not dust at all, but dander tissue from the human body!

"No! I don't have much food! I can't borrow you! Please leave quickly!" Lin Xiajin said coldly.

There is no way to open the door at all, and the virus dander outside the door will probably come in once the door is opened!

The woman begged outside for a long time, but Lin Xiajin didn't even intend to open the door, and didn't speak!

The woman had no choice but to leave and go to the next house. Unexpectedly, the outside has been closed for a week~

And this kind of closed light curtain, you can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside.

Looking outside the light curtain through the window, not only closed the light curtain, but also closed a circle of iron doors.

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