When the man got up, it seemed that he was hurt by Lin Xiajin's kick. In the middle and later stages, people who were infected were easily irritable and became out of control.

"xxxxxx." A series of foul language burst out of the man's mouth, and Lin Xiajin didn't understand what he was saying.

Because the skin of the man's mouth has long been hardened and blue, and the flakes of his skin tremble and fall off when he scolds.

The man rushed up again, this time Lin Xiajin didn't spoil him, instead he pulled out his dagger and directly sealed his throat with a knife.

Fortunately, the dagger given by Xiao Nuo was sharp enough, but Lin Xiajin also obviously felt a little struggling.

This virus makes the skin of the human body hard, but it is very hard, more like a tortoise shell growing on the body.

With a touch, the man fell to the ground, splashing a burst of dust, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo walked straight out of the corridor without stopping.

The monitoring on this floor has been interfered by Xiao Nuo using the electromagnetic network, so they will not be monitored.

Xiao Nuo took off his clothes and entered the space, only then did Lin Xiajin teleport out, teleporting to the light curtain on the first floor.

She came directly to the back fence. She was discovered when she first came out. Lin Xiajin didn't care so much, and disappeared in place and teleported out.

Teleporting out of the enclosure, Lin Xiajin took off all her clothes, and then immediately dodged into the space.

"Not good! Someone broke out!"

However, when they chased them out, they only found plastic clothes, which were immediately destroyed by high-temperature guns, and light curtains were set up in the surrounding area of ​​500 meters.

"How could someone run out!"

"That one disappeared in place, it has special skills!"

"Teleportation? Only teleportation or wall penetration skills can break through our light curtain!"

"All the skills in this building have been checked, and there is no such skill."

"It's been leaked!" But it's not just leaked here, it's also leaked in other places.

"Report to the superior! The sooner Shayao City activates the first-level alert!"

"Yes! Captain!"

The two of them stayed in the space until the night, but Lin Xiajin didn't know that she escaped suddenly this time, which raised Shayao City's first-level alert.

Level-1 alert, residents of Shayao City are not allowed to go out and must stay at home, and all major stores must be closed.

Sha Yao City completely stays at home! Xingyao City had been implemented for a period of time before, but the infection rate was too fast, and it was still not controlled in the end, and the city was closed too late.

There are very few pedestrians on the street, and people who come out are all hurrying with masks on. There are also very few people in the shopping mall, and they are all afraid of contracting this unknown virus.

Those rich people in the main city of Shayao City have even left here by plane.

There are also some families who are in good condition and don’t want to leave here, so they all buy light curtains one after another, which can prevent the spread of the virus.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo couldn't go back to their previous home, and now they don't know where they want to live, at least they still have some stars in their hands.

In the end, Lin Xiajin discussed with Xiao Nuo and decided to leave Shayao City. I'm afraid it can't be controlled here. In the end, the entire Shayao City was infected as much as Xingyao City.

Leaving now is the best choice, and we can't blame them for being selfish and fleeing! People don't kill themselves!

They stay here without a house and not much money! Although selling fruits to make money, but now the virus crisis, who will spend money to buy such expensive fruits?

Now all kinds of cheap food in the supermarket have been emptied long ago, and some expensive fruits have also been sold out.

In two days, maybe the shopping malls will be closed, and there will be no place to buy food if you want to!

It is impossible to go to the highway intersection from here, and the highway intersection must be heavily guarded.

In the end, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were in a stalemate, they had no choice but to live in the space.

I came out during the day to investigate the situation, but the next day, the city was completely closed, no pedestrians were allowed on the street, and all shopping malls were closed, even the hospital.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo can only stay in the space, once they go out to the empty street, there will be two more people, they will be targeted soon.

I don't know how long the virus crisis on this side will last, and I don't know what the virus will do! Lin Xiajin is ready to continue killing zombies, maybe those people will also mutate into zombies in the end?

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo are considered happy...

Wang Han had to suffer a lot in order to find Zhu Jingjing because he escaped halfway, his arm was burned, and half of his back was left with deep scars!

In the end, he was thrown to the slave planet, and Wang Han practiced desperately, counting the days every day.

If Jingjing is here, the day should be born soon...

Wasteland planet, where materials are very scarce, food is extremely precious, 70% of the planet's area is black gold mines, water is the most precious thing on this planet.

Because the water on this planet depends on the sky, or else it depends on the water-type abilities here, so the water-type abilities here have very high rights.

Zhang Yuan, Lin Xiaran, Xiaoguai, Zhou Yingying and the others can survive here, it really depends on Xin Li in the early stage.

Their appearance has undergone a lot of changes, but the overall appearance is much cleaner than other people here!

The temperature here is 30 degrees Celsius, and the houses that are not covered here are all in caves.

There are black holes for mining mines everywhere, not only slaves from other planets, but also black iron beasts from here!

The key to the large number of black iron beasts here is that they reproduce a lot, and more than 10 can be placed at a time.

These captured slaves are used to deal with these black iron beasts!

The appearance of the black iron beast is more like the black bull on the earth, the difference is that there are two black iron rhino horns in front.

These black iron beasts live on this wasteland planet, also known as the black iron star, and feed on these black irons.

These people mining black iron is equivalent to robbing their food, so they often come to stop them! And the Black Iron Beast pays special attention to the territory, and to fight against other comeback races!

These black iron beasts are extremely powerful, and there is no problem for a black iron beast to easily fly a car, as long as it is stepped on by them, it will become a meat paste.

"If Xia Jin was here, it would be easy to deal with them!" Xin Li said.

Lin Xiaran's eyes drooped slightly when she heard Lin Xiajin's name, obviously worried about her sister.

The faces of several girls also turned black visibly with the naked eye. The main reason here is black mines, and the skin that accumulates over time is easy to erode.

And most of the food here is to eat black rat beasts. If you are lucky, you can eat black iron beasts for a week if you kill them! Then a piece of black nutrient cream will be issued every day.

There are not only black iron beasts here, but also a small part of black rat beasts. There are also supernatural power crystals in the heads of black rat beasts and black iron beasts, but the energy is only the size of an ordinary fingernail.

I'm thinking about Xin Li's cp... Is it a business or... .

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