The people who distributed the nutrient cream to them were all living in the center, and they were all wearing black heat-insulating protective clothing...

There is also a protective transparent cover on the head...

I don't know what this nutrient cream is, it's just black and slapped, and it doesn't smell at all.

Even this one everyone is grabbing! Only one piece per person.

The rest also brought a bucket of about 2000 ml for Xin Li to release water, and each of them with water-type abilities was marked!

Therefore, she needs to put 2000 ml of water for her second-level supernatural person, 1000 milliliters for her first-level supernatural person, and 5000 milliliters for her third-level supernatural person.

Xin Li has never seen a level 4 supernatural being, and most of them here are level 1 to level 3 supernatural beings.

Xin Li has already broken through level 2, so it is not easy to release 2000 milliliters of water every day, but after releasing so much water every day, she can only release water for drinking.

Exploitation is everywhere, but unfortunately no one dares to resist now! It's not that no one has resisted. When we first arrived here, a group of resisters died.

If you want to resist, you must have enough strength!

After Xin Li drained the water, these people left...

"Actually, I've always wanted to say about this nutrient cream..." Xin Li said with a frown.


"I don't know if you guys have seen a movie's very similar to this one." Xin Li said with a frown.

So she has been unable to speak....

"What?" Zhou Yingying had a question mark on her face. She seldom watched movies and was mostly training.

Lin Xiaran also looked at Xin Li suspiciously...

"Forget it, forget it if you haven't seen it." Xin Li said awkwardly.

"What..." Zhou Yingying was quite curious, and kept pestering Xin Li to ask...

Finally, Xin Li leaned closer to Zhou Yingying's ear and whispered a few words...

Zhou Yingying's complexion changed, and she said, "Isn't this nutrient cream the same thing?"

Zhou Yingying felt a retching breath now...

"No! There are no cockroaches here!" Xin Li said calmly.

"Okay, I'm just making a metaphor, it can't be something like this!" Xin Li said comforting Zhou Yingying.

"No wonder you don't eat this much!" Zhou Yingying said with a frown.

When Xin Li first saw this thing, he immediately thought of that movie, and naturally he couldn't finish it.

"Tomorrow, let's follow Xiaoguai to find the Heijinshu!" Xin Li said.


At least two or three pieces of that leaf can be eaten in one meal to make you feel full again, and it can also enhance your physical fitness!

The only beautiful place here may be at night, because this black iron star seems to be very close to the moon.

The moon they saw was very big, and because the surface was covered with black iron soil, it shone brightly at night when it was illuminated by the moonlight.

Like a sea of ​​stars...

They were so desperate the first day they were brought here! But seeing the beautiful moon here at night may give them a little comfort in life.

The night is not as hot as the daytime, and most people will come out to burrow at night to enjoy the moonlight!

"I don't know if we can go back! I actually miss the zombies now!" Zhou Yingying leaned on Zhang Yuan's shoulder and missed.

"Yes! Certainly!"

Mu Xiaoguai was young, so she went to bed early, Xin Li did not sleep but was arranging her hair.

"Use this..." Lin Xiaran said in a deep voice.

Xin Li looked up and saw the scissors that Lin Xiaran had manifested at some point.

"Okay!" Xin Li didn't refuse, and took the scissors slowly.

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