These mutated animals seem to have inexhaustible energy. Even if the injury is serious, as long as it is not segmented, it can continue to climb up. It can be said that its vitality is quite strong.

Lin Xiajin has hacked up zombies, and also chopped up all kinds of strange mutant animals, but cutting off the head is almost certain to die!

But the mutated animal infected by this virus has tenacious vitality and it is too difficult to kill.

Lin Xiajin stabbed the mutated cow in the head and it didn't die, it could still rush out!

"Don't worry! Just run!" Lin Xiajin said calmly.

Lin Meiling was still a little nervous, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo walked forward. .

"Let's go!" Lin Xiajin looked back at Lin Meiling's ink marks and frowned slightly.

"You're wasting time. I'm afraid your boyfriend is really dead."

Lin Meiling calmed down a little when she heard her boyfriend, and watched her boyfriend leaning on Xiao Nuo's back weakly, gritted his teeth and followed Lin Xiajin's pace.

Although Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were not afraid of mutated animals, they tried their best not to be alarmed!

The three of them came out slowly from the shopping mall, and then they passed a road, and across the road was a mutated cow.

They just want to go to the opposite side of the road, so that they can reach the opposite street through the overpass, and the outpatient clinic shown on the road is on the opposite side.

They immediately startled the mutated cow as they crossed the road, and rushed towards them. They were so huge that they could still feel the shattering from the ground.

Lin Xiajin's eyes narrowed slightly, showing no fear at all, while Lin Meiling's eyes were filled with fear.

bump! Lin Xiajin kicked the mutated cow on the head. Lin Xiajin had fought against the mutated cow before, and knew how strong this guy was! So Lin Xiajin didn't show mercy, and used almost 80% of his strength.


The head of the mutated cow was sunken into a piece, which was exactly where Lin Xiajin kicked, and the body of the huge mutated cow was kicked back for a certain distance...

"..." Lin Meiling looked at Lin Xiajin in disbelief, and kicked a mutant cow flying away!

Lin Xiajin looks like a small body, but she has such explosive power, and she doesn't look like a power system user!

In her impression, power-type power users are mostly men, strong and strong... Girls hardly awaken power-type powers.

"Go!" Lin Xiajin said.

Lin Meiling reacted when she heard Lin Xiajin's cry, and immediately chased after her, but she still couldn't help but look back at the mutated cow that had been kicked.

The look at Lin Xiajin again was a little unclear. Lin Meiling didn't notice Lin Xiajin's relaxed expression when she moved the shelves just now!

The mutated cow that was kicked on the ground by Lin Xiajin moved again after a while, and then slowly got up again.

Residents who live upstairs are afraid to go downstairs. Staying at home is boring, so they just look down from upstairs...

"Mom, I just saw a sister who is so amazing!"

"Kick the monster away with one kick!"

The woman cleaning up in the living room heard her daughter's description and walked towards the window!

"Is the special police here? Are we going to clean up these mutated animals?" The woman was a little excited.

They have been squatting at home for several days, and the downstairs is full of mutated animals, and they can even hear all kinds of screams downstairs at the beginning of the upstairs!

Some people ran out and were gnawed on by several mutated animals. In less than a minute, the people were clean, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground.

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