Lin Xiajin did not carry Wang Tianyou on his back like Xiao Nuo did, but just resisted Lin Meiling with one hand.

"Let's go!"

The animals under the overpass seemed to have sensed them, and ran towards them one after another.

I originally thought that these mutated animals would not be able to climb stairs, but I didn't expect that there are a few exceptions!

Xiao Nuo condensed a huge power grid with one hand, which is also the largest condensed by Xiao Nuo that Lin Xiajin saw.

Xiao Nuo's strength is getting stronger and stronger!


The electricity from the power grid made a hissing sound on the mutated animal, accompanied by a puff of black smoke...

But the hard skin on the mutated animal played a very good protective role. Lin Xiajin carried Lin Meiling with one hand, and pressed a mutated cow with the other.

Suddenly kicked towards the mutant cow's head...

Puff puff puff... Lin Xiajin's shoes are covered with blood, and one shoe is still glued....

The quality of these shoes is really bad! It's too late to change shoes now.

Both Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo carried their own backs, and even knocked down three mutated cows at once. This is stronger than a policeman!

The two of them didn't even have weapons in their hands, yet they were able to kill the mutated animals!

"That man is a lightning-type superpower! The lightning ball that was released just now has at least level three or above...?"

"Third-level lightning-type superpowers can be superintendents!"

"That girl just now! One kick actually kicked the head of a mutated bull!"

"The key point is that girl is still carrying a girl with one hand, and can even kick a mutant bull away!"

The mutated cow is so huge that even a power-type supernatural user can't do it, and the hard skin mutated from the mutated cow is extremely hard!

"The key is that the girl doesn't look like a power-type supernatural user at all! What level of power-type supernatural power does this have to be to kick the mutant bull away?"

"I'm also a level 2 power user, so I can't fight the mutant cow at all!"

Lin Xiajin didn't know that someone heard the movement upstairs and saw this scene, and even took a video and posted it on the Internet.

A bunch of comments exploded on the Internet in an instant...

Although mutant animals are rampant in Shayao City, the infrastructure is still complete, so there is no problem with the internet speed.

And you can see on the Internet that people in the outer city have scolded the government in the main city, but it doesn't work at all.

Most of the people in the outer city are calling for help, but still can't get an answer...

Lin Xiajin didn't know all of this at all, and quickly got rid of the mutant animals that got in the way, and hurried off the overpass and walked across the road.

Some of the mutated animals that Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo dealt with just now slowly regained consciousness...

The mutated animals infected by this virus, if you want to completely eliminate them, you need to dismantle them.

That's why the special police couldn't control it, because the mutated animals around the outer city had already rushed out.

Those special police didn't even get rid of the mutated cows outside, and now the group of mutated cows coming to the city is overflowing...

I'm afraid it won't be long before the special police can't hold it, and the mutated animals from the various farms outside the city will come out one after another, and the outer city will become a disaster.

Now that hundreds of thousands of mutated cows have flowed out, the outer city can't bear it.

If the electromagnetic light curtain in the outer city is turned on, then the electromagnetic light curtain in the main city must be turned off, because the power consumption is huge.

Between the main urban area and the outer urban area, they will naturally choose the main urban area first!

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