Xiao Nuo's first skill has been upgraded to level 5, which is the thunder system.

However, his second skill time pause is still stuck at level 2.

Perhaps this second skill has something to do with his genetic level.

Time Pause is already a very powerful skill.

I don't know what it will be like after passing the third level. Being able to control the flow of time, isn't that the ability to travel through time in disguise?

But this is too far away and unrealistic, Lin Xiajin is just thinking about it.

"You have finally upgraded successfully." Lin Xiajin said excitedly.

No matter who becomes stronger between two people, it is a good thing!

With Xiao Nuo, the two of them can continue to ride the motorcycle.

Xiao Nuo was riding a motorcycle, and Lin Xiajin was sitting in the back with her lucky star in her arms. She also told Xiao Nuo about being scolded during the live broadcast last time.

"You said that the last planet will really become a slave?" Lin Xiajin said with a slight frown.

"Very likely." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

This world will always be the law of the jungle, like the slogan that everyone is equal is just formulated for those mediocre people.

Like the bottom planets, their resources will be plundered.

It’s okay if you don’t get discovered, you may survive alone silently, once you are discovered, if you are strong, no one will bully you.

But if you are weak, is it not normal for resources to be taken away?

It's like their planet has never been discovered before, and later the technology developed to a certain level and was discovered by the Galaxy Atlanta Group.

For profit, billions of people on a planet have all turned into zombies.

"I don't know if there are still people alive on our planet." Lin Xiajin sighed.

"Perhaps." Xiao Nuo replied.

Lin Xiajin turned on the live broadcast again, and the penultimate planet turned gray.

Graying out proves that the planet's contestant is dead.

However, this does not prevent Lin Xiajin's Chen Lanxing from being the bottom one.

The last time Lin Xiajin broadcasted a live broadcast, hundreds of people came in, and the screen was full of garbage stars.

This time when she turned on the live broadcast, tens of thousands of people flooded in instantly, even more than the last time.

It was because of the last live broadcast, Lin Xiajin started the live broadcast and cursed people, so many people flocked into Lin Xiajin's live broadcast room after being on Galaxy Hot Search.

They all want to see what the bottom-to-last Chen Lanxing is like, and they actually start a live broadcast to curse people.

"This is the Chen Lanxing who took the child to participate in the Star Contest, and it's too awesome."

"It should be bad. After all, the blue star is so far away from the galaxy, the lowest planet."

"Junk Planet."

There are still many people who continue to write these four words...

"Did you take a break? Although they are the last planet, but the genetic level of women's bodies is actually level 5!!"


"Level 5!"

Power level 5 is very common in the galaxy, as long as it is level 5, it is an ordinary citizen of the galaxy.

However, it is very difficult to change the genetic quality of the body. It does not mean that it is impossible to improve, but it is too difficult to improve.

Everyone wants to improve their genetic level because the life span will increase accordingly, who doesn't want to live more?

"This woman is actually a boss at level 5 genetic level!"

"This man's genetic level is also second-level, aren't they from the trash star?"

The general gene level in the galaxy is level 1, most of them are level 2, and level 3 is rare.

Lin Xiajin's genetic level is level 5!

How to reach level 5... Everyone is very curious about this.

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