Lin Xiajin also knows that these mutated vines will not attack you if they are in the land vehicle, because these green plants will only attack the surrounding 50 meters, or even farther away.

If there is a car in the green plant star, it is still very safe, because these plants cannot penetrate and feel people, they are the gas exhaled by the human body, and of course some heat induction.

Those human beings whose blood has been sucked dry have just arrived here, they don't have a car, and they don't know the green plant star, so they are wrapped in vines and sucked their blood dry.

These plants are most afraid of the fire ability, but there are also some very powerful plants with strong resilience that have fire resistance.

The thunder attribute has a certain degree of thunder and fire, so it also has a certain restraint effect on wood-type abilities.

After setting the location to go to Greentown, Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo stayed in the lander completely, and suddenly there was a prompt on the screen that the random live broadcast was about to start.

With the countdown, the random live broadcast starts, and if you choose whether to watch it, of course you have to watch it. You can also learn about Greentown's information through other people's live broadcasts.

Almost everyone in Greentown chose to watch.

Not only do they have a random live broadcast, but another planet drawn by other participants in the Shining Star Contest will also be randomly opened for live broadcast.

The entire screen is square and full of screen live broadcasts, there are probably hundreds of them.

Among them, the big screen is the planet they are on, and the rest are other planets. You can also watch the live broadcast of other star competitions.

But almost all I watch are the live broadcasts of my planet's location, which is conducive to understanding more information.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo also directly chose the live broadcast of Lu Zhixing.

This time, the random live broadcast fell on a woman, from the star Guangli. This planet's ability can absorb various light elements.

It can be called the walking light source sun, Guanglixing's hair color is white, and the girl's hair is pure white hair.

At this moment, she was walking in the forest with her teammates, and the vines here did not attack them.

Many people are playing barrage, why don't the vines attack them?

Most people are curious, because people who have been to Green Plant Star have more or less been attacked by vines.

Some careless people even lost their lives, and their blood was sucked dry by the horror vines.

"I met a piranha, it's scary, the more beautiful the flower, I suggest you take a detour." Still some honest people said.

"The plant environment here is beautiful, so there are piranhas you mentioned?"

In the bullet screen, some said it was dangerous, and some said it was not dangerous.

Only they themselves know whether this green plant star is dangerous or not, and those who say it is not dangerous are probably trying to make others fall into the pit.

After all, they are now competitors.

"There's no need to be so obsessed with it, right? This level is all about getting the heart of grass and trees, and it's not about letting everyone kill each other."

"That's right! There is more than one heart of such a big green plant star!"


Lin Xiajin looked at the rolling barrage, she didn't join in, but suddenly thought of a question.

If you found the Heart of Plants, and it was randomly broadcast live on your head at this time, wouldn't you be discovered?

This random live broadcast is not closed, that is to say, in the past six months, it is very likely that the person will be random several times, and the live broadcast will only last for one hour.

That is the luck of the competition. If you are unlucky, when you find the heart of grass and trees, you will be randomly selected, and everyone will find you!

But even if it is found, it is nothing, at least there is no geographical location, right?

However, Lin Xiajin couldn't help cursing when he saw the live broadcast showing that it was 45 kilometers away from your current live broadcast location.

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