Xiao Nuo released the lightning ball and blasted a big hole in the soft ground, he kicked the wild man down, the surrounding soil collapsed softly, and buried the wild man's upper body directly.

Lin Xiajin teleported to Xiao Nuo's side after finishing dealing with a few native savages who attacked them.

On the other side, the savage and Hong Xian also joined forces to kill a savage who attacked them.

Both Hongxian and Gaifeng were covered with red-green liquid, Lin Xiajin directly took them into the space and asked them to clean up in Hongjian.

Lin Xiajin took the lucky star from Xiao Nuo's hand, and looked at the little guy's blushing face, with an expression of unfulfilled satisfaction.

"Father!" The little guy called out again, his two little hands were still waving towards Xiao Nuo.

"Call me mom!" Lin Xiajin seemed a little jealous? The voice of the little milk voice is too sweet and cute, and every sound seems to melt the glacier.

"Mom!" Lucky Star called Lin Xiajin sweetly. Hearing the soft voice, she couldn't help but stepped forward and kissed the milk dumpling!

Lucky Star is growing more and more lovely, and her hair is also soft and smooth, but it is also a little long.

Lin Xiajin thought about putting a small whip on Ruan Tuanzi when he had time.

The savages around were dying and fleeing, and those mutated vines were also destroyed by Xiao Nuo's lightning, without the birth of wood-type abilities, they would have died directly.

Xiao Nuo purposely caught a living person up, and after a few minutes, the savage who was stunned by Xiao Nuo woke up, but his half body was buried in the soil, Xiao Nuo was afraid that he would display his supernatural power, so he deliberately used The lightning made the power grid, and this kind of current would only make him feel pain, but it was not life-threatening for the time being.

The savage was very excited when he saw them, and he wanted to kill them when he saw them.

However, the savage was tightly wrapped by Xiao Nuo's power grid, sparks burst out, and a burning smell came from the savage's body.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo just looked at him quietly, after about a few minutes, the man's upper body was scorched, and the bloodstains seemed to make him suffer.

"You let me go, otherwise the great Gumuala won't let you go! You outsiders!" the savage said angrily

Although the language of each planet is different, the glasses they wear have real-time translation.

Lin Xiajin frowned slightly, what does Gumuala mean? Sounds like a personal name?

But it can be heard that they hate outsiders very much!

"Will you not let us go? But I can let you die right now!" Lin Xiajin said coldly

"I will sacrifice you to Gumu Ahla, you will not end well!" the savage said angrily, then suddenly his head burst, a small hole burst out on the top of his head, and a black grass grew out of it.

Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo were stunned by this operation.

After the death of this green plant star, will grass grow on his head? Lin Xiajin tried her best to recall the people from Green Zhixing she killed just now. After those people had their throats cut with a knife, she teleported away. She really didn't pay attention to whether grass grew after those people died.

So Lin Xiajin went to look at the other corpses, and found that the other corpses had turned into mummified corpses, with a wrist-thick vine stuck in the corpse's head, sucking their flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiajin inexplicably felt a little weird, but the universe is billions of billions, and it seems normal to encounter some strange things. Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin didn't pay too much attention.

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