Lin Xiajin handed the knife to Wang Han and Xiao Nuo.

Both of them thought it was a good knife, or two double knives.

The length of the knife only reaches the forearm, which is very suitable for Lin Xiajin. This knife is also very heavy, but this weight is nothing to Lin Xiajin.

On the contrary, heavier knives feel more comfortable to Lin Xiajin.

Although Xiao Nuo and Wang Han are both attacking from a distance, weapons for close combat are also needed.

These two scimitars are quite suitable for the two of them, so they each have one!

Of course, Lin Xiajin found another forearm-long straight knife in the hidden cabinet of the flying saucer.

This knife is not dark gold, and it does not reflect light when it shines in bright light. However, this knife is different from the two knifes just now. This knife is poisonous, because this metal is poisonous, so it has scabbard!

In short, Lin Xiajin liked this knife quite a bit, so he put it away in the space, only the dagger that Xiao Nuo gave him was inserted into Lin Xiajin's inner thigh.

Lin Xiajin looked through the various cabinets of the flying saucer again, and one of the small boxes was filled with liquids in small bottles. Although Lin Xiajin didn't know the font, she still knew the pictures on it. It should be medicine, but what kind of medicine Lin Xiajin was? Xia Jin didn't know.

Lin Xiajin put all these medicines into the space and asked Green Star to analyze them.

Green Star copied the data on the flying saucer, prepared a scanner, and is uploading the data, so that it can be made into a detectable instrument.

Green Star scanned these medicines on the instrument, and quickly parsed the text on it. It was originally the text on Blue Scorpion, so the parsing was very fast.

These medicines include antidote, recovery medicine, etc., as well as physical supplement fluids.

If there is no food for a long time, you can drink a bottle of this supplement to maintain body function and nutrition for three days.

The aircraft is flying at a low altitude, and the big trees below can be clearly seen below.

The window on the back side of Lin Xiajin turned on the holographic effect, and he could see all the big trees below, lush and lush.

"Signs of activity detected at three kilometers." The electronic sound of the flying saucer sounded.

The speed displayed on the screen is also very fast, should it be another aircraft?

"There are also animals on Green Plant Planet, they are all birds." Wang Han said in a deep voice


Lin Xiajin and Xiao Nuo haven't seen a single animal so far, which is very strange. It is said that there should be more living things in the forest, but there are none here.

"Although the birds of Green Vegetation Star are very fierce, they have no signs of attacking humans." Wang Han said

These birds are vegetarians, and even prefer to eat mutated plants, so the birds are more like a hostile concern to the mutated plants.

"Detected raptor attack or avoid?"

The electronic sound of the flying saucer sounded again.

"Dodge." Wang Han chose the dodge button.

The flying saucer rose rapidly and accelerated, but it didn't seem to dodge it. The bird of prey continued to catch up.

Raptors do not actively attack humans, but it does not mean that they do not attack flying saucers. For them, they have a strong sense of territory.

The flying saucer flying in mid-air is tantamount to provoking its territory, so it naturally attacks.

Flying saucers are too advanced, and they have no way to deal with them. After all, there are only airplanes flying in the sky on Chenlanxing.

"Airplanes should have a bird repellent system, right? This aircraft should also have one!" Lin Xiajin said when he thought of something

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