The claws of the giant crab are very hard, even if Lin Xiajin used 8 points of force to chop it down, it still didn't cut it off!

Even the giant crab swung it vigorously, breaking free from Xiao Nuo's lightning whip, and was about to throw Lin Xiajin out, she immediately teleported to the rear.

Lucky Star's hat was blown off, Lin Xiajin was a little bit scared, and almost Lucky Star's head was about to be pinched off by pliers.

On the other side, Wang Han condensed the wind blade to attack non-stop, but the wind blade is very aggressive, and there are large and small marks on the giant crab shell.

"Wang Han, only attack one place." Xiao Nuo looked at Wang Han and said.

The wind blade only attacks one place, and if it keeps attacking, it will be penetrating!

Lin Xiajin didn't dare to use her full strength because she still had to take into account the lucky stars in her arms. She frowned slightly, what if there were other contestants behind this delay?

Now it's time for a quick fight! Quickly resolve fights.

Lin Xiajin released Hongxuan from the space, Lin Xiajin did not let Hongxuan go to help fight, but untied the lucky star and let Hongxuan hug her.

"Hongxuan, protect her here." Lin Xiajin said in a deep voice.

"Okay, master." Hong Xuan replied.

Hongxuan can't leave the area covered by her space, so Lin Xiajin can only get rid of these two big crabs at the nearest place!

Without the obstruction of the lucky star, Lin Xiajin can rest assured and boldly use her full strength!

Lin Xiajin teleported to the position above the giant crab, she was riding on the giant crab, and Xiao Nuo kept using lightning nets to catch the giant crab's pincers in front.

Lin Xiajin's knives first blinded the giant crab's big eyes, and the eyeballs were two heads bigger than her!


It went straight into the crab's eye, and Lin Xiajin didn't let go of the other eye!

The giant crab was blinded by being poked suddenly, and the gray-green blood flowed out, and the painful cancer spun around on the spot.

Lin Xiajin's knives pushed hard towards the hard shell on the ground, and they were crushed by the giant crab's shell!

"Ulu, my giant crab is seriously injured!" Ula said hurriedly, if the giant crab died, then they would lose the qualification to fight.

Cancerians can only tame one cancer in their lifetime.

Ula was afraid that her giant crab would really be killed, so she hurriedly used the weak giant crab.

"Useless things!" Wulu cursed, but he could only protect Wula, after all, they are now a team, one prospers and one loses!

The giant crab shrank suddenly, Lin Xiajin almost fell, but fortunately Lin Xiajin reacted quickly and teleported to the side.

Ula hugged the injured crab, and shot at Lin Xiajin with a laser gun on her mobile phone. Lin Xiajin teleported one after another, but the laser gun did not hurt her.

Another giant crab came over quickly and protected Ula. He climbed into the giant crab's shell, and the giant crab ran all the way out, and did not continue to choose to attack.

Wang Han's wind blade has been attacking a point, directly piercing a hole in Ulu's giant crab shell, and at this moment, gray-green liquid is bubbling out.

Lin Xiajin didn't intend to let them go, but at this moment their aircraft suddenly appeared from above and released laser cannons towards them, blocking them.

The laser cannon hit the trees and the leaves began to burn, and suddenly bursts of smoke came out.


The thick smoke was right next to Lin Xiajin, choking her eyes to tears. Seeing the size of the giant crab shrink, the two of them also ran onto the aircraft, but Lin Xiajin and the others did not continue to chase.

Although it is said that the poor should not chase after it, but Lin Xiajin looked at the aircraft that had gone away, it was a good thing!

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